"Lies!" I snapped trying to keep a straight face. Their eyes widened and I swear George used a profanity starting with and 's'.

"Come on Gracie! It wasn't that bad! We even said you guys weren't actually together! That you were just really close friends!" Fred whined, scooting father away from George and closer to Natalyn. It took all I had not to smirk. I turned on George.

"The next Lilly and James?" I growled, looking at Harry. He didn't seem to upset. I guess that's a good thing, I'm only mad because I felt bad. I don't want him upset because these two twits are comparing us to his Mum and Dad.

"You are! Come on sis! Harry isn't mad so you don't have to be!" I glanced at Harry, who looked amused at this fact.

"You don't mind?" I whispered, looking him in the eye now.

"No. It's cute!" He smiled. "Your a mini version of my mum!" He grinned, taking my hand in his. I blushed, but nodded at him anyway. "Hey, why don't you go get ready and we'll get ready for breakfast?" I nodded and skipped up the stairs, followed by Natalyn.

"Want some help?" She asked, looking at me. I looked over to see Ginny, she was asleep,but she was pale and sweaty. She looked sick! I rushed over, shaking her. Natalyn came to my side and patted her cheek. She shot up, coughing hard.

"Are you okay Gin?" She nodded, placing a hand on her forehead. "Sure?" She nodded again.

"I think I'm just going to sleep today. I need some rest!" I nodded, giving her a smile. I kissed her cheek, and stood up, facing Natalyn.

"Offer for help still standing?"

"Duh!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom. She left me to take a shower, but right as I stepped out, she and Hermione attacked me with clothes and make up. They curled my hair as well. I looked very nice. Pretty even! I brushed my teeth quickly, smiling at myself in the mirror.

"Thanks guys!" I gave them each a hug, which they returned, and we skipped down the stairs, meeting the guys in the common room. Harry smiled when he saw me and held out his hand. I took it, leaving the others behind.

Once we were seated in the Great Hall, we started talking again. "So, you really don't mind? I was worried, I know it must be hard," I trailed off, biting my lip. He rolled his eyes with a smile.

"I promise! It's fine. Remember what I said, about it being like I'm getting to know my Mum?" I nodded. "I meant it! Besides, what if we are the next 'Lilly and James'? That'd be cool!" He gave me a small smile and kissed my cheek, making me blush furiously.

"So whatcha wanna do today?" I stared at my plate as I spoke, hearing him chuckle, I snapped my head up. No way is he laughing at me!

"I don't know. Please don't make me go to the library though! I'm so sick of that place!" I bit my lip giggling a bit.

"I won't. Hey, doesn't that dueling club start today? It's on Sundays, right?" He nodded. "We should go!"

"I don't know Gracie. I still don't like the thought of you going. What if someone misses?"

"Come on Harry! I'll have you to protect me! Please, I don't want to miss the opportunity to laugh at Lockhart!" I begged, giving him my best puppy dog face. His eyes softened and he nodded his head. Ron, seeing this exchange, came up behind Harry and whispered something to him, shoving and his hands in his pockets and sitting on the other side of me.

"What was that?" I asked, eyeing Ron. He said something that obviously irritated Harry, and I don't like it. Ron shook his head, sniggering. I glared, but he didn't answer.

"So I hear your going to the dueling club?" I nodded at Ron, still mad that he upset Harry. "Mind if we come?" I looked up from my plate, Mione, Fred, and Natalyn were already sitting there. I nodded again, telling him he could come.

"Pout much?" Fred snickered, I shot him a glare, making him shut up, but Natalyn just laughed.

"Chill snappy. I'll tell you later!" I smiled, cheering up instantly. Harry laughed beside me, placing an arm over my shoulder.

"It's your fault Harry! You're to protective over her and its rubbing off!" Mione teased, poking a tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes. "Hurry up! I'm done and I'm bored!" I whined, giving them a smile. The mail came in a moment later and Brownie gave me a letter.

Dear Gracie,

Thank you so much darling! I thought I'd lost you!

Dumbledore says you talked Madam Pomfrey into letting you go? I hear you even got we to let you stay on the team! I'm so proud of you! Your such a strong girl Gracelyn. Be proud of that. Thank you for explaining what happened. I won't even tell you the story I heard, it was so far fetched I don't think anyone here believed it. Did things clear up with Ron? Has Ginny and Draco gotten together yet?

I saw yesterday's prophet. Interesting. Getting closer eh? At least you have Fred and George. Oh and Ron! I think Charlie's had to be my favorite though. 'I work with dragons. He's nothing!' Classic! It really touched me that people are calling you Lilly. Probably Snape for the most part. But that's a good thing. She was a great girl. I was told last night you even have her temper. Almost punched Filtch eh? Sticking up for Harry?

Natalyn sent me a letter and told me about last night's couch incident! Said he had to carry you, then wouldn't put you down? She even included Colin's photo of it! I'm sure you'll see it in the profit. You know, I've got enough to start covering the wall now! I don't even think I mind the way he was holding you! Scratch that, yes I do. It's not his fault though. I remember James did that to Lilly one night, nearly tore my arm off the same too! After that it was a constant thing. Tell Harry I said hi! Though he'll probably see it. He's probably with you. 'You're never apart!'

You two really are the next Lilly and James. I hope Harry was okay seeing that, I know it had to be hard. Does he get mad at you? I hope not! See you soon!



P.S. Watch out for that Colin kid, he's been giving out the photos he's taken of you and Harry.

"You told him!" Harry snapped, making me jump. I looked at him in confusion, but he was looking at Natalyn. Who was smirking at us.

"What ever are you talking about Harry?"

"You told her dad about us sleeping on the couch last night! He ratted you out so don't deny it!" He glared at her, making her smirk grow wider.

"What's wrong Harry? Scared?" She teased, the rest of us watched, looking back and forth between them.

"No! But he could have been mad! Actually, he was. But he says it's Dad's fault. That's not the point!"

"Oh shut it Potter! Lets go DUEL!" she yelled, smiling at all of us. She grabbed Fred and pulled him away. I rolled my eyes, giggling.

"Come on Harry!" He followed me willingly enough. I threw a smile his way and turned back around when he returned it. He's so cute!

*************Harry's POV**************

I'm going to sound like a major girl, but she's so beautiful right now! I think I'm starting to love this girl. If we're the next Lilly and James, I'm all for it! I wasn't kidding when I said she was mine.

I don't want anyone else to have her. One day I hope we will be together. I just don't know if she likes me back.

'Oh grow a pair Harry! You faced Voldemort! You can ask a girl out! Do it!'

"Hey Gracie!"


Cliff hanger!!!!!! Will he do it?? Or will he wimp out??? Let me know!!!! Gotta say, I'm done for the night!!! It's three o'clock in the morning peoples!!! Okay haha, night, or morning, whatever it is!!!




A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum