"And Malfoy made a big deal out of it!" Mione jumped in, seeming almost as amused as Ron.

"Then Lockhart came and got in the picture as well, then dragged me off to that bloody classroom!" Harry grumbled, stabbing at his food with his free hand. I shot him a sympathetic look, knowing he hates being pitied.

"That's horrible, I'm sorry Harry!"

"Oh that's not all!" Mione's voice took on a bitter sound, I turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow.

"He set Cornish pixies on us! Wild ones! And made us clean the mess up when his ruddy spell didn't work!" Nat snapped, clenching her fists.

"It wasn't even a real spell!" Ron banged a fist in the table, clearly angered by the thought of what happened. I had to stifle a giggle, I mean, come on, pixies? They couldn't be that bad. Could they?

"One caught poor Neville by the ear and hung him on the chandelier by his robes!" Mione sighed, looking down the bench a bit. I leaned forward, following her gaze. She was looking at Neville, but he looked pale and shaken up. Poor kid. He has the worst luck!

"Wow, but what about everything he did in those books? He didn't know how to take care of a few pixies?"

"He says he's done those things! Who knows if any of that rubbish is true?" Ron grumbled, rolling his eyes at no one in particular. I giggled again, might as well. It's pretty funny.


"Gracie! Wake up! I hear your playing! Practice starts, now!" I groaned, sitting up to see the whole team in the hospital wing, smiling at me. Madam Pomfrey had even changed, she had a small smile on her face. Excited maybe?

I sat up in bed, rubbing at my eyes. "Okay, I'm ready!" The team looked at me funny, causing me to roll my eyes. I pointed at Madam Pomfrey who was coming at me with a potion. She shoved it down my throat and walked away so I could get ready. Everyone but Harry and Nat were giving me questioning looks. "It's the only way I could get her to let me play!" I grumbled, standing up. They all nodded as I used my wand to pop on some new clothes. I walked to the bathroom, leaving the door open because all I did was brush my teeth and hair.

"Done?" Wood was standing with his arms crossed, looking annoyed. I nodded, calling for my broom with my wand. I slung it get my shoulder as we walked towards the pitch. We all headed into the changing rooms, Madam Pomfrey said she'd wait in the stands with everyone else. We sat there, for hours on end! Listening to Oliver go on and on about new strategies. Eventually, I leaned over and started to fall asleep on Harry's shoulder. He placed an arm around my waist so that we were more comfortable. We were in the back, hidden by all the older kids, making it harder for Wood to catch us. Harry rested his head on mine, and right as I was ready to go to sleep, Oliver decided, 'oh, I had to wake everyone up before the crack of dawn so lets see how long I can talk before they fall asleep and then I'll make them go onto the pitch and exhaust themselves more!' Yeah, I'm not a morning person.

We walked on to the pitch and mounted, kicking off the ground and doing a couple practice laps as a warm up. I flew up beside Harry, making him stop to look at me. "Race ya?" He nodded, leaning forward on his broom stick. We have the same broom so this race is all skill! "Go!"

Halfway around the pitch, I heard a weird clicking from the stands. It was that Colin kid! "Over here Harry! Look this way! Look this way Harry!" I rolled my eyes, sending a smirk in Harry's direction. Fred and George flew up on either side of Harry and I.

"Who's that?"

"No clue," Harry mumbled, looking at the ground. I rolled my eyes, he's a horrible liar. Sureeee you don't know him, we'll go with that.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now