Ron is not going to like this!

"So Nat, Gin, how does it feel to be a Gryffindor?" I asked, trying to start some talk, cus I don't like silence. It's all awkward and stuff.

"Awesome!" Ginny cheered, turning back around to face me. I smiled at her and turned to Natalyn.

"I got what house I wanted so I'm good!" She shrugged, giving me a smile. I smiled back then looked around, locating Percy.

"Well I'm not really hungry so I'm going to get the password and go ahead to the common room. I'll see you guys later!" They all waved goodbye, most of them giving me worried looks. I smiled as bright as I could. I really just wanted to write my dad! Honestly, that's it!


"Yes?" He turned around, giving me an annoyed look. He was with all his little friends. The ones who think they're so cool just because they're seventh years. I rolled my eyes while they all have me menacing looks.

"No need to act like that. I want to go up to the common room, can I have the password?"

Upon hearing these words he turned all the way around, looking me up and down. "What's wrong? Are you sick?"

"Dude why do you care? Just give her the password and make her leave!" An obnoxious kid to my right so nicely remarked. I turned to him, giving him my 'mum' glare, he shut up and sat back in the seat. Smart boy.

"She's my sister just hang on a minute. Now are you sick or what?"

"No I'm fine. Well, I think I am. I don't know. I am a little queasy. Just please, give me the password?" He sighed but whispered it in my ear. I nodded. "Thanks Percy." He hates it when you call him Perce for some reason.

I skipped up the steps and straight to the dormitories, on my way, I passed a whispering McGonagall, and Dumbledore, who smiled and waved at me. I returned it instantly. When I got there, I told her the password and walked in. I was going to go straight to my room, but Harry and Ron stopped me. There they were, sitting on the couch.

"Where have you guys been?! We've all been worried sick! Even Natalyn. And you missed it! You actually missed it. I was crying on the train and Malfoy came in and told me we might not like each other but we're still family and he was being nice and stuff!" I rambled with out even stopping to think about what I said. Bad choice on my part.

"Why were you crying?" The inevitable question. All the color left my face and I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter. Where were you?" Ron grabbed my arm and pulled me down on the couch. He launched into a story about how they had to drive the car here because they couldn't get through the barrier. I rolled my eyes at this point. Mum and Dad can apparate, why didn't they just wait for them to come get them? Anyway, he told me about the Whomping Willow and everything.

"Wow. Well, you missed Ginny's sorting. And Natalyn's." I said, shrugging. I was trying to build anticipation.

"And? What house?" Ron yelled, grabbing my arm.

"Ouch! Ronald let go!" But his eyes had glazed over. He wasn't going to let go until I told him. I opened my mouth but Harry beat me to it.

"Ron let go you hurting her!" He gave him a look and pushed him into the floor. Ron shook his head but stayed down there.

"Sorry. What house?" I decided to be mean. At least a little.

"Well, Nat's a Slytherin!" I whispered, dropping my head. His jaw dropped, "And Ginny's a Ravenclaw!"

"What!?" And it dropped further.

"No I'm just kidding. They're" the portrait hole swung open and Hermione, Natty, and Ginny all walked in. Followed by Fred, George, Lee, Angelina, and Katie. "Gryffindor!" I yelled, pointing at Ginny and Natalyn. Nat played it up, bowing and stuff, but Ginny just waved a bit, her face was as scarlet as her hair.

"Congratulations Ginny!" Ron went up to hug her while Harry and I sat and watched. Then Hermione started rounding on Ron and I knew it'd be a while before it was safe to join that conversation. I saw Fred and George take all the girls upstairs. Ginny pulled a diary out of her robes and took off up the stairs to our dormitory.

"So. You okay Harry? Whomping Willow didn't get ya to bad?" I teased, turning to Harry. He gave me a small smile.

"No. I think the car did more damage to it!" He chuckled. I laughed to, but shook my head at him.

"Well hey. I'm going to go write my dad. Try not to steal any cars while I'm gone. Kay? See ya later!" He laughed and nodded as I got up and ran towards the stairs.

"Tell him I said hey! See ya later Gracie!" I waved over my shoulder as I entered the dorm. Ginny was already sitting on her bed. Normally first years and second years sleep in different dorms, but we're an exception. She was writing in a journal, she'd write something, pause, smile, and write again. Weird.

I took out some quill and parchment and began to write myself.

Dear Dad,

I've missed talking to you! It's the first night back and I've already had a panic attack. Compliments of Harry and Ron. The two idiots decided that they were going to fly an enchanted car to the school. They're excuse: we couldn't get through the barrier. So wait by the car for Mum and Dad you twits! Silly right?

This summer I met Natalyn. She's awesome and we get along so well! We actually could pass for twins! I also met our dear, dear cousin. Lucious Malfoy. I wanted to hex him so bad! And then something weird happened. We were on the train and I was freaking out. You know. And Draco saw me and he got worried. He said, 'just because we don't like each other, doesn't mean we're not still family!' And he was really nice. Then I caught him staring at Ginny. Ron's not going to like that.....

We played chicken in the lake this summer and Harry and I won! His stupid aunt and uncle but bars on his window, locked him in his room, and chained up his owl, Hedwig. So the twins, Ron, and I flew the same car to Siri to go get him. Fun right? We also met Gilderoy Lockhart. That author. He's just really annoying. And Mione can't quit fawning over him. It's irritating really. But all well.

I had to get a new wand. Ollivander said it was similar to yours! But it's an exact replica to Lilly's. As in Harry's mum. He heard and I thought he would get mad at me, but he didn't. He looked kind of happy actually. It's 12", holly, and phoenix hair. 'Not feather, hair!' Those were his words. Cool right?

Of course Harry was attacked the minute we got into the bookshop. They grabbed him and pulled him to the front. And since he had a hold of my hand from pulling me in the store, guess who got to go with him?

Actually, we got lost and I got a little scared to be honest. Harry had never used floo powder and he wanted to try since we were all flooing there, I was told to go with him and make sure he makes it okay. Well we ended up in Knockturn Alley. People were all over the place. Saying stuff like pretty little girl or talking about the boy who lived or trying to sell us some seriously freaky crap. Harry wouldn't let anyone near me though and Hagrid found us really quick.

We also slept in a tent. We originally had our own rooms, but the girls and I stayed up talking and laughing and getting to know each other better. And I guess we were too loud because Ron and Harry came up an we all fell asleep in Ginny and I's floor. So the next day Mum asked if we wanted to sleep in the tent. Of course everybody wanted that. So Bill an Charlie put it up for us. And it was awesome!

Fred and Nat are dating. I knew he like her! I'm always right! Sometimes. Anywho, that was my summer for the most part. Everybody just messed around doing random stuff. It was fun. But now we're back and I couldn't be happier. I realized something before I left last year. The burrow will always be a home to me, but Hogwarts is My home.

Love you Dad!



P.S. Harry and Hermione said hi!

I sent the letter to Dumbledore then went to sleep. Class starts tomorrow, and I couldn't be happier.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt