"Alright sis?" The twins flew up beside me. I nodded with a smile. They nodded back and flew off. The Slytherin beater hit Wood, so he was out and they score more. I caught the quaffle, Katie and I passed it back and forth. I had it when I saw Harry dangling from his broom, no wonder everyone got quiet. I raced towards him, grabbed his leg and flung him back up.

"You promised Potter!" I yelled, flying away.

"So did you!" He yelled, a bludger came at me and hit my arm. I nearly screamed, but held it in. Harry came at me. "Gracie!"

"Get the bloody snitch Potter!" I snarled, flying away. I cradled my arm, but kept the quaffle all the same. "Katie!" I yelled. She flew up beside me. "Here!" I passed it to her and she scored again. Then I saw Harry, the snitch was right there, he had it he had it! "Harry!" I yelled. He flipped over the front of his broom and rolled. He looked like he was going to be sick.

He threw up. No he didn't. What is that? "He's got it! Harry Potter's got the golden snitch!" Lee announced. The crowd burst into cheers. I did too, but nearly fell off my broom because my arm.

"Go Harry!" I yelled, flying back down. We ran at each other and he picked me up, hugging me tight. I giggled, but when his arm touched mine I yelped in pain. The team gathered round and Oliver looked at my arm. When he touched it I flinched. "Ouch! Would you be careful!" I snapped.

"Oi! We told you to stay near us!" The twins yelled. They were mad. My face paled and I hid behind Harry, but he stepped away and stood beside them.

"You promised Gracie!" He crossed his arms and glared at me.

"I'm fine! Relax! It's just a bit sore!" I sighed, but I didn't move my arm, just cradled it to my body. Mione and my family came up behind me. Ginny, Mione, and everyone else basically hugged me all at once, but my arm got crushed. "Ow!" I whimpered, trying to be quiet, but it didn't work.

"Mum! She's hurt! I knew it!" Ginny yelled, she had tears on her face. "I saw it hit you! But they all said you didn't make a noise so you were okay!" She cried.

"Awe! Gin! I'm okay! See!" I stretched out my arm, but it cracked more, so I jerked it back with a yelp. She hugged me from the side, crying some more. "It's okay!" I tried to soothe my little sister, stroking her hair softly while Mum and the Professors checked out my arm.

"It's broken. She'll have to see Madam Pomfrey!" McGonagall said. The team all groaned, so I sent them away, telling them all I was fine. Everyone else was already inside, celebrating. The professors left too. Now it was the Weasley's, Mione, Harry, Uncle Lupin, and me left on the pitch.

"March young lady!" Mum pointed towards the castle. Mione and Ginny walked beside me, they acted as if it was my leg that was broken and followed me up the steps, making sure I didn't fall.

"Who was that git that hit her?" Charlie snapped from somewhere behind me. Bill grunted.

"Marcus Flint. Seventh year, captain of the Slytherin team!" The twins chorused. Harry and Ron were grinding their teeth and Mum tutted. Ginny was still sniffling and Dad and Lupin looked angry.

"Guys. Really. I'm fine! Madam Pomfrey will have it fixed with in the hour!" Hermione pushed the door open as I spoke. Madam Pomfrey rushed over.

"They said you'd be here! Come along. Lay down here!" She bustled off to her office and everyone sat around me.

"I've missed you!" Ginny lay down beside me and snuggled into my side. I hugged her with my good arm.

"I missed you too Ginny! I want you to meet my friends!" I sat up quickly. "This is M-" Madam Pomfrey stuck something in my mouth in the middle of a word. The nastiest taste in the world swirled my mouth. I made a face and everyone but we laughed.

"Swallow!" I groaned, but swallowed it.

"Blech! That was horrible!" I swiped at my mouth. "Blech!" Ginny giggled beside me and Charlie and Bill laughed. Madam Pomfrey said I can leave as soon as its done. Bout half an hour.

"Anyway! This is Hermione, but I just call her Mione. And this, is Harry!" I pointed at the two of them and smiled brightly. They both waved shyly. "Awe say hi guys!" Mione did so but Harry blushed and started mumbling. Mum grabbed them both in hugs and everyone else shook their hand.

"Well dear, we have to get going. Are you going to be alright?" Mum asked, placing a hand on my forehead.

"I told you all, I'm fine!" I smiled up at her. She nodded and pulled me into a death hug.

"If she can survive Snape an his truth potion she can survive this!" Ron mumbled. I shot him a glare, that had nothing to do with this. He knew they'd hear him and he wants me in trouble.

"What?" Uncle Lupin stepped forward, looking confused.

"Well um, you see. He accused me of having help on my essay when I didn't and we had a um, discussion, and he docked points for 'lying' so he gave me vertaseum to see if I told the truth. Which I did. I had no help," I grumbled, crossing my arms.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lupin asked, looking annoyed. I shrugged my shoulders.

"It just happened yesterday."

"Hmm. Well, I have to go. Write me soon okay?" I nodded. Uncle Lupin hugged me then left, along with Bill and Charlie, who had to go to work tomorrow. Mum and Dad stayed a bit longer, but still had to go. By the time they were gone, I could leave.

"What do you say Gin? How bout we go to the Great Hall and get dinner?" I asked, flexing my arm. She nodded, smiling at me still. "Oh, wait! Do me a favor Gin?" She nodded. "Use Mione's camera to take a picture of us?" She nodded. "Come on guys!" Ron and Harry came over, and after she showed Ginny what to do, so did Mione. I'm the shortest so I was in the middle.

Hermione stood on my right and Harry on my left. Ron stood on the other side of Hermione. Ginny flashed the picture then handed it over. "Wait! Let me take one of each of you together!" Mione said. I sighed, but nodded.

"Come here Gin!" She came over and I placed an arm around her shoulders, and hers went around my waist. 'Flash'. Then Ron, who did the same pose as Ginny and I. 'Flash'. Mione came next, and we stood face to face, hugging each other while looking towards the camera. 'Flash'. Finally it was Harry's turn. Mione decided on the pose. Harry stood behind me, with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head on my shoulder. My hands laid on top of his and I leaned into him, of course I blushed like mad. 'Flash'. He let go and stood beside me. He held one hand, and Ginny climbed on my back for a piggy back ride.

"Lets go eat!" Ron cheered. We all laughed and ran to the Great Hall.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now