"Chris told A.J. she was too old to be watching cartoons and asked her to join our creative party." Niall, informed me through his laughing fit.

He should have known not to go there. Even I knew her love for cartoon films, from our long discussion on the park bench the night of the party. Surely her best friend knew better. Speaking of best friends, I idly wondered where, Samara was.

About two hours had passed, we had some great material to work with, not that we needed it since our album was finished. Everything seemed to flow naturally, which made it easy for us to work in peace, letting the ideas roll out with ease. I couldn't help but wonder what Katarina was up to.

As if on cue with my thought, Katarina entered the living room waltzing towards us, her earlier mood had seemed to change to a happier one. "There are sandwiches made in the kitchen." She announced, sitting on the armrest of the couch, next to me. "Yes, Niall I did make the cookies you asked for." She looked at Niall, who was about to ask something before she spoke. "I didn't know what you guys wanted to drink, but there's water, juice, beer and milk in the fridge, you guys can help yourselves to anything." She smiled warmly at the crowd who thanked her.

"Will you join us, love?" Louis asked as she was getting up, giving me a tight grin before turning his attention back to Katarina.

"Sure." She said simply, making her way back to the kitchen, I presumed.

Everyone followed suit until only Louis and I were left, walking behind the rest. "You're welcome, mate." He said, casually.

"For what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You like her..."

"No I don't."

He rolled his eyes, clapping his hand on my back, ignoring what I said. "You like her," He repeated. "And you get all odd and nervous when you like someone. So I invited her to eat with us, all you have to do is strike up a conversation." He was right, I did get extremely nervous around girls I liked, not knowing how to act at first.

We entered the kitchen, the lads sitting on stools around the kitchen island in the middle of the large kitchen. Katarina was handing everyone drinks, that I assume they had asked for, giving some beer and others water.

"Harry, what would you like?" She asked as I took a seat at an empty stool that had a plate with two sandwiches and a handful of potato crisps.

"Um, whatever you're having." I said. She shrugged and pulled out two juice boxes, sitting next to me, handing me a juice box.

I tried not to laugh, of course she would have juice boxes. When I eyed her plate, I couldn't help but smile. She had a tuna fish sandwich, stacked with pickles, and lettuce, cut diagonally down the middle with a side of cheese flavored Doritos. I watched as she got her juice box ready. Between this and her love for cartoon movies, she did seem kind of childish, in a good way.

"Starring is not polite." She spoke up, pulling me away of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could come up with. "Where's, Samara?" I asked, not knowing what else to say.

"She had a mani-pedi and hair appointment." She answered.

"You didn't go?" I asked. Didn't all girls do this sort of thing in groups.

"Nope, I know how to paint my own nails," She wiggled her fingers revealing a light blue color on her nails I hadn't noticed before. "And I like my hair just the way it is." She moved her head side to side, causing the bun on top of her head to wiggle, making me to laugh.

"A.J., these cookies are amazing." Niall shouted from across the kitchen island. She smiled at him, mouthing a small thank you.

"Yes," Liam spoke up. "Thank you for lunch, A.J." He said, always so polite.

Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys2016Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu