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This chapters a little jumpy, I'm sorry! Filler chapter again:/
I'm updating as well tomorrow I think but don't hold me to that! so yeah, enjoy!
"Zoe, Poppy's gone into hospital!" Alfie announced, happily as soon as I walked in through the door.

I'm assuming he means to have the baby otherwise he wouldn't be so happy. At least I hope he wouldn't be...

"Yeyy!" I squealed, basically copying what Danielle did this morning when I told her she was going to school.

I can guarantee that in 5 years time, she won't be that excited for me to be waking her up for school.

"Should we go pick the kids up, so they can go see her," Alfie added, picking up my car keys which I had only just put down.

"She might be in there for a while babe," I laughed. "Anyway, I need to sit down; too much walking."

I yawned and collapsed onto the sofa. I grabbed the remote and switched on Jeremy Kyle. I don't even know why, I don't even like the show.

Alfie rolled his eyes and stood in front of the screen, his hands on his hips like a girl.

"Really? This is how you want to spend your day? Watching Jeremy Kyle?" Alfie asked, shaking his head at me.

"No, I want to spend my day watching re-runs of friends," I shrugged, trying to hide my grin.

Honestly, sometimes, I'm just too funny.

"Zoee!" Alfie whined, dragging out the e. "You have to do something interesting with your life. You can't just sit on your arse all day!"

"I won't sit on my arse all day!" I groaned. "I'll get up to go get food and then lie down on my back to sleep!"

Alfie seemed to be getting more wound up with me by the second. Why's he getting so worked up over this? I've always been this lazy so why change today?

"Zoe, I am going to lock all the kitchen cupboards and the fridge and eat all of your secret junk food that you think I don't know about if you don't get up and do something!" Alfie demanded. This was him 'putting his foot down'.

I shrugged my shoulders, there was a shop 5 minutes walk away. I'd take my car and go get some more.

"And, no more pizza until the baby's born."

"What!" I shrieked, jumping up.

"See was that so hard," Alfie smirked, making me roll my eyes at him. I'd stick my finger up at him but that would mean putting another £2 in the swear jar.

"You're an asshole," I grumbled, stomping upstairs.

"You love me really!" Alfie shouted up the stairs after me. I turned around and gave him a sarcastic grin.

He laughed at me, in his signature way until I turned around and walked back up the stairs.

"And Zoe! We're going shopping, so maybe you want to change?" He added.

"Not going to happen!" I replied, sticking my tongue out even though he couldn't see.

What was so wrong with my outfit. I was wearing a baggy Ariel top and some superdry joggers. I'm lazy and now I've got an excuse not to get properly dressed!

Alfie and I were honestly so childish it was unreal. I love him for it though, I wouldn't have him any other way.
"Can we go home yet?" I groaned, I was already tired.

"Zoe, we've only been here half an hour baby. You used to be able to walk around here for hours and hours!" Alfie laughed, wrapping his arm tightly around me.

"But I wasn't pregnant!" I whimpered, helplessly. Some of this was just an act because I had something to blame my non-motivated state but I was loving it.

"Zoe, if you can manage half an hour more than I won't bother you all night," Alfie proposed. I nodded and then took his hand in mine and started swinging them together while we walked.

"I'm sorry I'm such a pain at the moment," I whispered after we'd walked for a while.

"Zoe, I know why you have been. I'm honestly okay with that, it's all worth it in the end," He assured me, rubbing my back slightly.

"I love you Alfie," I grinned, going on my tiptoes to kiss him.

"I love you Zoe," Alfie replied, kissing me back sweetly.

We didn't kiss for too long as we were in public and now we were older, didn't really think much of kissing for the whole world to see.

"Here, let's go buy Poppy and Sean and the new baby a present," I smiled, dragging him into a shop near by.

"Are you sure, what time is it?" Alfie asked, checking his phone for the time. "We'll have to be quick, we need to be at the school in an hour."

We rushed around the shop and we're done in about 20 minutes, picking up a card, some flowers and a couple of things for the baby. We'd already bought some small things for Poppy and Sean as well.

Alfie had to carry me back to the car because my aching legs couldn't walk any further while I balanced the shopping on my belly.

Alfie had time to drop me off at the house before he went to pick the twins up so I managed to find some energy to make some biscuits for the kids to have when they came in.

The peace in the house was soon interrupted as my two favourite people came bouncing in through the door. Patrick was waving a junk model he'd made manically in my face while Danielle was screaming about something or other.

I laughed ran to give them a hug. I do miss them during the day at school but I enjoy the peace and time I suddenly have when they're gone.

I made dinner and just as we were sitting down at the table to eat, Alfie came running in with his phone in his hand.

"Aunt Poppy's had a baby girl! Amy Amanda Elliot O'Conner born at 3:42 this afternoon. She weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and Amy and Poppy are doing okay," Alfie spoke really quickly, a sign that he was excited.

"Yeyy!" Danielle squealed, jumping up and down.

"Hooray for baby Amy!" Patrick shouted, linking hands with Danielle and jumping up and down as well.

"Yes, hooray for baby Amy!" Alfie and I both laughed, as he wrapped his arm around me.

I'm so glad Poppy's had her baby safely, I'm also delighted to see how happy the kids are. It's just made more excited for our little arrival!

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