Telling Others

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALFIE!! Hope you enjoy this update, this is kinda short and I guess kinda boring but hope you like it!!
~Emma xx
I read over the message I had in my column for this week. Alfie and I had discussed a thousand times over if we were going to tell people about the baby sooner rather than later this time and we'd decided sooner.

We don't have as big of a fan base and we aren't as big anymore so it's still fairly private.

"Alfie are you sure this is okay?" I shouted, Alfie came running up and read it over.

'Hi guys, so Alfie and I have been thinking for a long time about extending our family, this is why I'm delighted to tell you, I'm pregnant! I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you weekly and to hear any thoughts and advice you have by messaging me through my social media links!'

"Yes Zoe, it's brief but sums it up perfectly," Alfie nodded. "What about Twitter?"

'@pointlessblog Over the moon to tell you that Zoe and I are expecting another little one! #zalfiebaby3'

I nodded and sent my column to Claire to be read over while Alfie posted his to Twitter. That was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

Why didn't we just do this last time? It would've caused so much less stress and worry... I guess you live and you learn.

"Alfie can you go get my a bag of ready salted crisps?" I asked, rubbing my belly which had grown a tiny bit more.

After going through a day of constant puking, I finally feel better and can eat normal food. Alfie had been reading that morning sickness peaks at 12 weeks which I'm just over so I'm hoping that's it.

"You know, if you crave savoury or salty foods you're meant to be having a boy," Alfie smiled, kissing my forehead and then running downstairs.

The twins came bouncing into my study and pointed to be on my knee. I gently lifted them both up and placed them on so they were looking at the screen.

Danielle started shuffling about on my knee, I hissed in pain as she accidentally elbowed my stomach.

Alfie heard my cry and came running back up the stairs.

"Guys, be careful. You don't want to hurt Mummy or the baby," Alfie warned, handing me the crisps.

"Can I have one?" Patrick asked, bouncing on my knee. I tried not to make a fuss but I winced in pain.

"I warned you, sit still or you'll get off Mummy's knee, you'll hurt the baby," Alfie huffed, folding his arms.

"You're no fun now that the baby's coming!" Danielle suddenly screamed, walking away.

Patrick followed her and looked at us, almost apologetically. I looked at Alfie, mortified and confused at what had just happened.

I could tell the way this was going to go, the kids were going to end up either hating me or hating the baby. I don't want either of those things, I love them too much.

"Alfie, we need to tone it down, they're starting school, we don't want to upset them too much," I sighed, getting up and following them.

"But, they were hurting you!" Alfie protested, throwing his arms in the air. I rolled my eyes and went to the twins rooms.

"Well, I've been through much worse pain pushing them out through my vagina!" I muttered, as Alfie followed me. He groaned loudly and turned me around to face him. "Listen, I don't want to fall out with you, just we need to take it easy."

"Fine, come on kids. It's the last day of holiday and we need to go out."

"Really? That's what you thought of?" I laughed. Alfie nodded and took my hand. "Come on, let's go enjoy the last day before they leave us."

I cried a little at that part, I didn't want my babies to go to school! It wasn't that long ago that they were born!

They kids were going to start school tomorrow and all I wanted to do right now was to grab them and lock them away somewhere so they would never have to leave me.

Instead, I have to just accept the fact they're leaving me and my babies are growing up..

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