First day in academy part 1

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We are going through a hallway and stop in front of a door. The Hokage asks us to wait a moment while he goes inside to get the teacher. We nod and he opens the door and enters the room. A few moments later the door opens and the Hokage comes out with another man. He has dark brown hair put into a pony tail, tan skin, black eyes and a scar above his nose. He has a friendly look on his face and I already decide to like and respect him although that I have a higher rank than him. Wait, I mean had. I gave up my anbu rank to be able to attend the academy and I hadn't a rank when I became an anbu member so I have none now like everyone else in the class. He then looks at me and asks: "Are you the new student from Tsuki-Gakure?"
"-giggles- Of course I am or do you see anyone else who it could be?"
"-laughs- Right, guess that was stupid to ask. My name is Iruka Umino and I will be your teacher until you become a genin. What's your name?"
"I'm (y/n) (l/n). It's nice to meet you Iruka-sensei." -bows-
"It's also a pleasure to meet you. You have an interesting name, (y/n)."
"-smiles widely- Thank you."
"My apologies for interrupting, Iruka-kun, but can I accompany you when you go into class? I would like to see how the students are and to make sure everything will be fine. Not that I don't trust you or anyone else, it's just that she is for me like a daughter and I am worried about her."
"-blushes embarrassed- Lady Lunakage, I'm not a helpless child!"
"I know but it would calm me to know that everything is fine, (y/n)-chan."
"-sigh- If it really helps you...but don't say something embarrassing, please!"
"I won't, don't worry about it."
"I guess there isn't anything I can say against it then. Well, then we should go inside my class room because my students are curious to know why I left the room...-mumbles- I just hope Naruto didn't anything stupid again..."

We nod at Iruka-sensei and say good bye to the Hokage who has to go back in his office. Iruka-sensei opens the door to the room and we step inside. I am the last one so I close it behind me. When I turn around I notice everyone's gaze on me and Lady Kiki and hear them murmuring to each other. I smile and go to the teachers desk where Iruka-sensei and Lady Lunakage are waiting. When I arrive there I turn to face the class and see the curious looks most of them have. My new sensei coughs to get everyone's attention and then he introduces us: "Alright everyone, as you can see we have a new student and an important guest. The lady next to me is the Lunakage from Tsuki-Gakure, Lady Kiki."
"-smiles- Hello Konoha-students. I hope you don't mind having me here for some minutes. I'm just here to check something so don't worry."
"-nods- Now to our new student. She is (y/n) (l/n) and she is from Tsuki-Gakure. Do you want to tell us more about you, (y/n)?"
"Sure! Hello everyone! Let's see...I'm eleven years old, I love sweets and I like to train and to sing. I'm very glad to be here and I hope that we will all get along well."
"Alright, then you can take a seat and we start with our lesson."

I nod at him and look where I can sit. I see a free seat next to a boy with dark hair and onyx eyes. I see something in his eyes that seems familiar to me so I go next to his desk and ask him and the other person next to the free seat: "Do you two mind if I sit here?"

They look at me. The one on the other side says that he doesn't mind at all and the one with the onyx eyes only 'hn'ed at my question. "I take that as a yes then. Thank you two!"

I sit down there and notice some stares in my direction but I shrug them off. After all I'm new here so they are just curious. Iruka-sensei is about to start his lesson when one girl asks: "Why do we have someone from another village in our class? What if she is a spy or the worst ninja ever?"
"-sigh- Tsuki-Gakure is the closest friend of Konoha and they get information about our ninjas and we get it from their ninjas. The Hokage himself allowed her to attend our academy. It would be a waste of time for them to bring a spy in here. I doubt they would send someone 'useless' because that isn't their spirit. They know their strengths and don't want to be a disturbance for others."
"It's still possible."
"Well, if it helps to clear these thoughts then you could tell me what they already learned and I can do it."
"Fine. Would you come in front of class again, (y/n), so everyone can see it?"

I stand up and walk back in front of class. Iruka-sensei asks me to transform into himself or someone who is well known in the village. I think it over and do the needed hand signs. A 'poof' is heard and instead of me stands the first Hokage in my place. Everyone's eyes widen in surprise, even Iruka-sensei haven't expected me to do it. I transform back to myself and ask if this is enough for her. I see that all look now shocked at me even our teacher and I look at them confused. I hear the Lunakage chuckle and she says: "Your eye, (y/n). It has changed into the Sharigan."
"Not again! -concentrates- Better now?"
"Nope. Now it's the Byakugan."
"Stupid eye...-concentrates more- Did it work now?"
"Great. -looks at everyone- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shock you. My Kekkai Genkai, Dragan, does this often. I can't control it fully, yet. "

Iruka-sensei nods at me and motions for me to get back to my seat. I nod and go to sit back down on my seat. He seems to get over this shock quickly and starts his lesson like nothing unusual happened but I feel the gaze from everyone on me even from the black-haired boy next to me who hasn't shown any interest until now. Now I get nervous about what they are thinking from me...

Naruto/Sasuke/Gaara x Reader:  Dragon PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now