Chapter 16

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“My father previously mentioned it to me. Back when he was young, he had a good friend named Min jaewook. Jaewook and his wife ran a hotel and used to take very good care of my father. However, due to an accident, both he and his wife passed away. They left behind min yoongi, who was less than a year old at the time.

The Min family’s relatives swallowed up the couple’s inheritance but were unwilling to raise yoongi. The first time my father went to the Min home to visit yoongi, he was extremely small and thin. It was clear that he wasn’t fed well. My father personally took care of him for a few days and even gave the Min family money, instructing them to take good care of yoongi. At the time, they did give him their verbal promise to do so.

However, less than a day later, my father began to worry again. When he visited yoongi once more, he was already missing. After my father questioned them several times and threatened to call the police to arrest them for human trafficking, they finally admitted that they sent him to an orphanage. My father immediately rushed there.

At the time, there was already a couple who were preparing to adopt yoongi. My father secretly investigated them and learned that the man who wanted to adopt him had violent tendencies. Although he owned a home, he also had several debts. Even his own birth child has passed away under his poor care. The woman also had depression. If yoongi was adopted by such a couple, his life would definitely be doomed.

Taehyung paused for a moment before continuing. “At the time, my parents had just gotten married. A newly wedded couple normally wouldn’t adopt a child, but my father was too worried so he brought the matter up to my mother. He did not expect my mother to be so kind and worry for yoongj. She agreed to the matter readily. As my father had evidence that he was close friends with yoongi's parents, as well as proof that the couple who were interested in adopting him were not suitable candidates, my parents successfully adopted yoongi.”

“My father said that he previously wanted yoongi to keep the surname ‘Min’. However, he also did not wish to let yoongi know that he was an orphan in case it made him unhappy. Thus, during the adoption process, he changed Shaohua’s surname to ‘Kim'. mother also said that yoongi was an especially easy child to care for. He was always very obedient and rarely made her worry. When he was around five to six years old, he was already as mature as a ten year old child. She really liked him very much.”

Taehyung approached the window and took in the sight of the busy traffic outside. “It was also when he was around five to six years old that he accidentally found the adoption certificate at home. At the time, he could already recognise words and knew how to use the internet. Thus, he actually found the meaning of the word ‘adoption’ and went crying to my parents, asking if he really wasn’t their child.”

He sighed. “My parents did not wish to lie to him and told him the truth. Ever since then, my brother became even more obedient and matured even faster.”

“It turns out that yoongi's birth was so tragic.” jimin was in tears. “Uuu… I’ll definitely take good care of him in the future.”

Taehyung reached for the tissue box on the office desk and helped him to wipe his tears. “Although my past is rather unfortunate, my brother’s past is even more upsetting. If his parents were still alive, he would be a wealthy young master with nothing to worry about.”

He sighed heavily. “Ever since my brother came to the Kim home, my parents have always treated him as their own. However, despite being an outstanding man, he was wrongfully jailed for three years. If it had been anyone else, the person would already have broken down and may have already gone insane. Instead, my brother remained resilient. As of today, my brother is much more successful than most people. He is a man worth loving. I grew up with him and understand better than anyone that my brother is especially kind-hearted. If you were to be with him, over time, you’ll definitely be able to receive a happy end.”

Reborn: to love and revenge (Season 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt