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its been 2 years since you and Jude broke up. You now have a two a half year old boy. He looks just like Jude but with your grey/blue eyes. You decided on calling him kai foden alexander bellingham. Yes i know its long but its fine.

You own a house on the outskirts of Birmingham now and are doing really well with your career. Judes visits and your civil, more then that recently its starting to feel like it did before you two kissed in the first place and he still denys that he cheated on you. Sometimes you believe him but he would never forgive you now.

Oh yeah. Also pretty unbelievable tho because hes seeing her. Apparently it only started recently but i don't believe that. Eliza is doing well also she found a boyfriend just after Her son jaydon was born and they live together now. Her son is 2.

You did get a dog, a german shepherd like your childhood one.

Most people took your side anyways with the whole scenario so you've had plenty of support.

But. Today your going away to Tenerife with Eliza, Jaydon and Harrison (her boyfriend). Trent, bukayo, Tolami, jack, Sasha, phil, ronnie, lottie, Rebecca, Lucia, Marcus, Morgan (gibbs white), Britney and their son too. Or so you thought.

You show up at the airport with Eliza, Harrison and Jayden. you jumped in their car and squished between the 2 car seats.

Kai is learning to walk now so i grab his hand and walk him over to the jet. I do end up picking him up after he gives up. I see Phil and Rebecca with their kids and i go over to say hi "hey" i tap their shoulder.

"Hey y/n" Rebecca bring me into a hug. I go around to everybody saying hi before i make my way into the
plane and sit next to Britney. We got close over the past year through Rebecca and considering our kids are a few months apart its even better.

"Hey" she says as i sit down
"hiya how are you" i smile and sit back
"good thanks you do know Judes coning tho dont you" she frowns at me
"no" i turn and look at her "Im mature anyways"
"and his girlfriend"
"piss off. oops sorry mind my language" i sigh massively.

I can deal with Jude but Emily. I just want to hit her whenever she talks the slut.

"Its fine you'll be fine" she taps my back laughing a little.

You've changed quite a bit since you was with Jude. you got a tiny bit of lip filler in your top lip to even them out, if you didn't know i had it you wouldn't notice tbf.

You also got your belly pierced and your helix pierced. According to emily im a chav with all my tattoos even tho theres 3 tiny ones. All 3 aren't visible on a normal day too.

• love yourz in calligraphy writing on the side of
your waist
• Kais birth time on your other thigh (small small)
• starsign stars behind ear

Dont get me wrong theres no order but it some how doesn't look messy.

"Yeah ill be fine" i make sure Kais sat down as everybody gets onto the jet. And there they are. Jude and Emily. Emily looks straight at me and smirks i smile at her and then look away. They sit possibly as far away as possible Jude not even coming over to say hello to his son.

"Ronnie take Kai over to Jude and the lady and annoy the lovely lady ill give you both sweets" Britney says holding bags of sweets in her hand out of her bag. "Thats funny" they both make their way to them both and jump all over her.

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now