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it's the next day and tomorrows my last day, i ended up leaving Kylie at the club last night because she ran into some friends so i just sat on FaceTime to Eliza until it was late and i was tired.

Currently i'm learning the TikTok dance to check on it by beyoncé (linked at the start of the chapter) and to be fair i think i'm doing pretty well. My aunt woke up not long after me to be honest, she functions with a hangover i guess and indeed has came and done it with me.

We are eating this up.

I post that on my tiktok, i don't post much on there but it's so easy to get views. I think we are going to this beach club today, i go there every time i visit because the music there is top notch for a start and it is just a vibe. "I'm starving" i groan and sit at the kitchen island opposite my aunt "i can make you some toast if you want" she laughs.

"please" i put my head down on my hands which are obviously on the island.

Toast is quick isn't it so I'm now eating it! obviously what else am i going to do put it on my feet and use it as shoes.

Anyways, i finish my food rather quickly and go grab my stuff to leave for the beach club. It's about a 10 minute walk from the house and when i'm on holiday i just love walking everywhere, the views and sun are just so amazing. We waffle the whole way there, and there until it passes a little time.

I get my first drink which doesn't have alcohol in it, obviously, don't want to waste my only full day here. I'm actually really excited to be moving to Madrid, i'll miss my friends obviously but i think moving in with Jude will be a good thing. My aunt is a very social person so is currently talking to everybody she can find.


just thinking about you

calm down you

not in that way behave

what way then

moving in

oh boring much

i'm excited
so am i

well that's a good thing?

yeah i guess

i guess yk pissing

miss you 🥰😭

what ashame lolz x


cry me a river

incredibly rude

ah oh well

what are you up to anyways

beach club thingy
then leaving at like 5am


shut up

awh i'll get to see you soon
i bet you can not wait

soon is about a week and
a half mate

yeah and then there's no escaping

you sound like your fucking
kidnapping me mate

i am

well that's so kind of you
thank you x

your welcome

this man is staring at me
i'm a little creeped eem

i'm sure he only wants to
have a little chat

that's the scary part he looks
about 50

oh right

yes right

is he still looking

he's walking over fuck off

i panic call Jude and just hold the phone down so he can witness it and laugh with me. "hello i'm dave i haven't seen you here before?" he walks up to me with the freakiest smile ever "that's odd i come here often" i laugh uncomfortably.
"what's your name" he questions
"y/n" i answer
"gorgeous name to fit a gorgeous girl" he laughs a little "ha....hahah....." i look at Kylie who is sat 2 sunbeds down cackling with some random people.
"So how about you let me take you for a cocktail" he puts his hand out to me and i hold my laugh in "I have a boyfriend" i smile and laugh a little but pull myself together.

"I'm sure he's not as good as i am" he winks and shakes his hand "for a start he's about a thousand times better looking then you mate and get that wrinkly hand away from me you pedo i'm 17" he goes to reply but just stutters and walks away, i pull my
phone up and burst out laughing to Jude who's on facetime. "look at these prats cackling too" i flip the camera around to show my aunt sat doubled over thinking it's the funniest thing ever.

"fuck off he's coming back over nah" i hold my phone up so it's not a double chin angle this time on my knees. "I love when girls play hard to get" he hands me a drink "no thank you" i do the fakest smile "don't be so hard to get."
"I have a boyfriend" i snap
"no need to lie"
"i'm not" i say starting to get rather annoyed.
"Where is he then" he laughs and looks around
"Germany" i look at him with disgust,
"So he never has to know"
"considering he's on the phone and i love him i think he would have to know" i turn my phone around.

"that's Jude Bellingham nice filter" he laughs
"leave my girlfriend alone mate"
"o-oh sorry" he basically runs away finally and i turn the camera back to me slowly pulling a really weird face "next time i'm going to act like a roadman i swear" i cackle.

"Good idea" Jude laughs and i lean my phone up against my cup to put my cover up on. "It's getting cold now" I shiver a little,
"go home"
"that's boring"
"haven't you been drinking mock tails anyways"
"yes because i'm flying in the morning"
"then go get sleep"

"y/n if you wanna go get sleep before your flight feel free" my aunt piped up and i walk to her and pick my stuff up to give her a hug "hi i'm y/n" i smile at them all and sit down for a minute or two just to spend that little bit more time with her.

"Your beautiful"
"piss off" i snap at the old man who's back and now trying it with my aunt. he turns to look at me and leaves straight away "say hi to Jude" i shove the phone in her face "hey Jude" she smiles and glares at me "hey Kylie how are you" he replies to her
"good and you" she questions him, he says good and i say bye to her then start to walk back.

"Oh my days it's fucking freezing" i turn the corner onto my aunts road.

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now