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obviously Eliza was joking land after that we spoke for a little on the phone and i done a few things i needed too.

it's pretty late now so i decided to settle down for the night and get some sleep.

- time skip -

It's the afternoon now, the afternoon a day later tho. It's new years tonight, me and Eliza are staring drinks fairly early then what we usually do. I'm not completely dressing up as i am stuff sure we are 80% staying in but knowing us we will all end up going out at 10 for the fun of it. I'm just wearing a romper, comfy as i am in my own house but convenient if we decide to go out i can dress it up.


hey x

hello mr

how are you

i am fantastic Eliza is coming
over in 20 minutes and we are
going to get partially ready

still staying at home or

probably but you know us

fair enough

you still going out

yeah leaving in an hour or smth

don't get with any fit girls don't
forget because we all know what
they are like 😘

don't be stupid

and nobody knows that we are
together except our family and
close friends, don't even think
half my friends do know.

i've told all the boys i'm close
with at football and obviously
toby but nobody who i just know

i think it's best yk some ppl
will put us just cus they want
attention LOL 😭

very much so

omg no new years kiss

oh my goodness how could that
ever happen

first new years together and
your not even giving me a
smooch on new years

i wish i could be there or you
could be here but i have a game
literally the 1st

it's fine don't worry LMAO

might be pushing it but facetime
me only fair tbh

always 🤖

hello there Jude
hello there y/n
how are you doing this fine evening
i am doing good how are you doing
i am also good
that's spectacular
i need to get ready because eliza's close mate is hosting a party and i've got a little feeling
you can never have a quiet night can you
no not really
i remember your parents hated you in school because of how much you went out
don't make me sound bad
what do i wear with this tho if i do go

i hold up a long leather jacket and some heeled boots

or this with them instead

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum