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yes i don't know what to

do you need me to come


im gonna make my way

"fucking hell judee" i poke his shoulder to get his attention "we need to go to eliza's you don't have to stay but please take me" i stand up and put my crocs on. "why what's going on" he puts his shoes on and follows me "she's pregnant" i run down the stairs.
"doesn't mean you've got to have a kid now does it" he ask, i turn around and wink.

"no no not yet."
"i'm aware this isn't the time probably but are you hinting you want to have kids" he buckles his seat belt and starts the drive. "some point in my life, still got time to party tho do you not?" i question
"not right now i want to focus on my career but maybe in a few years time because then we would have to live together"
"exactly and i don't wanna live with a boy ew" i scoff.

"we are here" he laughs
"are you staying" i ask
"might as well" he turns the engine off and locks the car after getting out. I knock the door and wait for her to pop out. "hey" i pull her into a hug straight away and we walk into the house like that.

We get to the sofa and she sits down and pats next to her for me "your deadly serious" i raise my eyebrows and she hands me a pregnancy test, "are we happy" i ask eyebrows still raised i see her think before she nods her head "i'm actually so happy for you" i smile ear to ear and she returns it. "your gonna be a mommy."

"have you told Xavier" Jude pipes up and i see her start to tear up. "oh it's okay" i pull her back into a hug, from what i've gathered she's told him but he doesn't want a kid and has dipped or something.
"i'll be his or hers daddy" i put her hair behind her ear "thank you" she laughs a little.

"use protection next time" Jude buts in
"Not the time" she glares over to him "joking i'll try, same to you two" she winks. We kinda brush past that statement. "no more clubbing" i pretend to wipe tears, "probably a good reason to have this kid to be honest with you"
"i agree"
"what happens when you and Jude move in together in Germany or wherever and i'm here with a child"
"you have plenty of friends and that's not even in the talks yet okay" i smile
"will be if i go to real Madrid tho won't it" he laughs
"what" Eliza sits up
"he's got Real Madrid scouts coming to his game on Saturday"
"that's so good i'll pray for you" she smiles "and so you can be minted" she whispers to me "make sure to get a baby if he does that at least the child support would be fat."
"that's not happening" i whisper back.

"well it's like 1am now so you might as well stay i guess up to you" she asks, knowing both of us would have to squeeze on the sofa and jude's house is only 4 minutes away we decide to go home but i tell her to call me if she wants to talk. We are now in the car driving back to Jude's "i'm going to find that little cunt" i buckle my seatbelt,
"don't commit murder yourself"
"i won't that's why i'm glad i know people from school still" i wink at him.

"i can't believe she's actually pregnant" Jude says
"i know i genuinely wouldn't think she would have a kid this early" i look at him.
"neither" we pull into his driveway and go inside,
"i can't lie im surprised you don't have a kid" Jude says as we reach his room.

"what's that supposed to mean" i look in disgust
"i mean you was the fittest girl in your year and i know most the boys in the years below fancied you AND a few of the boys from my year did"
"yeah that doesn't mean i was a slut"
"well you had your fair share of boyfriends"
"doesn't mean i slept with them i have some decency"
"well it got out you slept with one in year 11"
"i was on the pill" i roll my eyes
"exactly why would you be on it if you wasn't sleeping around"
"because i wanted to be safe then sorry and my dad didn't trust me"
"how many did you have in secondary because the amount of time they got arsey because they thought we had something going on"
"i don't know to be fair was having some fun but once again the most i did with 99% of them was kiss" i shrug "i would hate to know how many people you have kissed"
"not that many to be fair considering in my whole life probably 8 proper ones"

"omg don't that reminds me of this guy in my year his name was like James or something and he wanted me to give him your number so bad" Jude laughs
"ohh i remember James i think was he the one with blonde hair and that"
"yes that one"
"he used to glare at you when you was walking with my lowkey scary i can't even lie" I laugh
"i wonder what he's doing with his life"
"probably somewhere in your dm's asking if you remember him" i crack up even more.

"I remember after you left school and was in sixth form but you was doing good at blues every single girl in that school was kissing my arse"
"i felt bad for you"
"at least we had the same lunch so they would piss off"
"it's weird to think about all this" I say
"i wish we would have a reunion" Jude piped up
"we was in different years" i do the classic lip push
"yeah but if you organised one you could bring me as a plus one and i could bring you as mine" he smiles.

"i have some people from school and our years where kinda small to be fair shall i message them" i question "yeah just when we have enough people rent a hall or something"
"i'll message a few teachers, the ones everybody liked"

I get on instagram and message everyone i could telling them to message my number and send it to as many people they are still in contact with same with Jude's year. "done" i smile
"that was quick"
"copy and paste is a saviour"
"it's late now"
"go sleep then i've got a mission now"

I spend a good hour or two after that messaging people and making a group chat.

next day

class of 19' + 20'

right is this basically everyone

yeah i think

alr so basically i called the school
up and they thought it was
'unique' so they agreed to let us
do it in the hall which is kinda sad
but so is this whole thing

judee ❤️
she wants to see you all
and judge you

don't lie

judee ❤️
yeah deffo joking guys

any idea on when this things
gonna be yk

oh yeah 21/09/24

so like just over a month

yeah if you can't make it dw
just don't come idc LOL

judee ❤️
i'll be there

"righty i'm off" i grab my dirty clothes from yesterday "you don't want dropping home?"
"nope" i walk over to him to give him a hug
"love you" i smile and put my arms over his shoulders, "love you too" we have a cheeky kiss before i leave almost skipping out the door.

"see you tomorrow i assume" i turn around with the biggest smile on my face "yup" then go downstairs to say bye to his family before getting into my dads car who's waiting outside. "you seem very happy" he frowns "just had a good time"
"please i don't want anymore grandkids at the moment"
"dad no" i roll my eyes.

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat