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It's been 2 days since i've moved to Madrid with Jude, safe to say everything is going very smoothly. He's doing media for Madrid at the moment, basically taking pictures and an interview to announce the signing.

I'm currently going around the house and tidying anything, by that i mean gathering the empty amazon boxes that have piled up incredibly fast.

I never knew how fast places got messy to be honest, obviously they do. With that being said i stomp on another box to crush it then go put them all in the recycling.

After i done that i wipe all the kitchen sides down to start dinner. It's about 4pm but if i get it done it's done you know?


I finish cooking dinner and Jude's on his way back now, i put foil over the pot and grab some plates out the cupboard before going and sitting on the sofa. Not long after Jude opens the door, "hii" i say as he walks in, "how was it" i turn back around and pause the tv.

"Really good, met some of the team they seem good just a major language barrier" he laughs and gives me a hug when i stand up. "Ah i'm sure you will learn Spanish soon" i sit back down.
"fucking hope so" he sits next to me and laughs slightly.



caption: Hola Madridistas! 🤍It is the proudest day of my life to join the greatest club in history of the game

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caption: Hola Madridistas! 🤍
It is the proudest day of my life to join the greatest club in history of the game. I will give absolutely everything i have to help this team win. Thank you for the amazing welcome. HALA MADRID!!!🤍🤍
likes: 2,647,193
@y/ndarcy: incredibly proud of you 💗*liked*
@harrypinero: The Truth!
@tobybishay: unbelievable, so proud brother ❤️❤️❤️
@jaykae10: from Birmingham to the Bernabeu maye *liked*
@jobebellingham: 😍🤍
@vinijr: 🔥🤍
*click to view more*

(yes i did copy and paste everything from the original post x)

"I cant believe how far you've came" i put my phone down and turn to look at him. "Thank you" he looks back from the tv. We chat a little more and have dinner then i go upstairs.

Very very bored, i change and put on the ugliest outfit ever. tights and jorts, knee high socks, a belt, long sleeve leopard print top, fur jacket, bucket hat, fat sunglasses, heeled boots and leg warmers. "JUDE" i call from upstairs, trying to cool myself down with my hand "what" he walks in the room before crying with laughter "not sure what you're laughing at" i frown and took at my feet then back up at him.

"Who's let us move countrys alone" he wheezes,
"not sure watch" i pull my phone out and put one of my fav songs on then proceed to act like a man, but one zesty man. You can let your imagination go wild with that one.

"I'm sweating now" i take everything off and grab my previous clothes, "mate go away" i try shutting the door mid way getting changed "calm down nothing i haven't seen before" he shrugs,
"yeah but that's not the point"
"maybe you don't need to finish getting changed" he try's to wink, i try hold my laughter in "i'm scared that me dressing like a weirdo has turned you on a little" i pull my top over my head.

He laughs a little, i grab a hair tie and put my hair in a bun. "I was being serious" he grabs my waist
"woahoah" i laugh a little and hesitantly put my arms around his neck. We have a little smooch (i hope you guys know i'm sat here actually cringing, i feel like crying writing these i'm dying.).

I get on the bed and lie down, he gets on top of me and kisses my neck.


I'm currently lay staring at the ceiling, my phone buzzes from the bed side table next to me breaking the breathing in the room. I answer it obviously. "Hello" i say a little out of breath,
"hey girl" Eliza says from the other side and i put it on loud speaker, "hii" i cough.
"Are you alright" she asks and Jude comes out the wardrobe, i roll my eyes at him with a smile "yeah i'm good are you" i reply.
"Yeah you just sound a bit weird"
"no no i'm fine" i laugh, Jude walks back over and kisses my neck a little more. "What are you up to" i almost yell, "fuck you nearly just broke my ear drum"
"i'm sorry" i laugh a little
"what was that at the end" she questions,
"what was what"
"it was a little groan sounded weird"
"i didn't hear that your going mental."

"There is was aga.... OHHH" she bursts out laughing
"Congratulations on real Madrid Jude i'll leave you two to it."
"Thanks" he answers Eliza, smirking at me while doing so "What the fuck was that about" i wriggle out from under him, "what was what" he sits up looking incredibly proud of himself. "Don't act stupid" i put my legs of the bed, he just laughs in return.

I stand up "fuck" i rub my legs, aching a little.
"I'm going to have a shower" I grab some pyjamas and go to the bathroom. Making sure to wash my hair too, when i get out i use my diffuser and scrunch it to dry. I brush my teeth and go back out. I walk downstairs to go grab a bottle of water and a paracetamol because i've got a nasty headache all of a sudden before going back upstairs to get in bed.

I give the bedroom a little tidy and Jude comes back in the room, probably went for a shower too. "I think i'm gonna go play fifa downstairs is that alright" he asks putting his arms around my neck from behind me "of course don't ask" i laugh. He leaves and goes downstairs, i finish putting things back in their places then go put my bottle of water in the bin downstairs.

"shut up" i hear Jude "her brother probs wouldn't want to hear that trent" he said laughing. I walk into the room "hear what" he jumps a little,
"hmm" i raise my eyebrows and sit on an arm chair in the living room. I pull my phone out and scroll on instagram. About 30 minutes passes "right ima go i've got training early tomorrow" he turns the tv off.

We both go upstairs and get into bed, it's only about 9pm but i do sleep for an unnecessary amount of time. "Goodnight" i smile and turn over before we both go to sleep.

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now