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we just got back from the restaurant,
it was such a lovely time. Got to see most my family which was lovely but now i'm back home. it's only 7pm and i do have a late dance class i started with eliza, well a heels class since we would both be beginners we thought it would be fun. That starts at 8 so i have a good 40 mins to freshen up and get ready. Jude is taking me which is so lovely of him and we are meeting eliza there.

"Jude can you grab some black shorts out that draw" i point to my second from top draw and he goes to grab. I grab some underwear from my draw, well some clean ones and a little top then run into my bathroom to change. I take my skirt off and put my shorts on.

Not long after at all i am changed and re-brush my teeth then go back out to my room. "do my shorts look okay" i twirl a little "i don't look like a nun do i" i ruffle them up a bit. "now you don't they where at your knees before" he frowns
"great" i go to my desk and brush my hair and wipe my makeup off. I just put carmex on and i'm ready.

"you was ready quick" Jude says
"yeah i'm nearly done just need to grab some water and some heels" i rummage through my shoes until i find some plain black ones with a decent thick heel and a strap around the ankle that i don't mind scratching then spray perfume and we go downstairs.

before we leave i grab a bottle and fill it up with water. "shall i get eliza to take me home" i ask as i buckle my seatbelt and bluetooth my phone, "i can get you if you want if you want to stay at mine" he pulls off the drive. "sure if you wouldn't mind popping back here and just grabbing my toothbrush and stuff" i brace myself for a no but he agrees.

I put some music on and have a little sing on the way but before i know it we are here. "see you soon" i lean over to give him a kiss "message me when your finished" he tells me before i shut the door.

Eliza has already messaged to say she's inside so i just go straight in. "second time today" i say and put my water down right next to her then put my heels on. "i'm so scared for this by the way" she widens her eyes "don't be it will be fun plus she's really nice."

- time skip -

She's left us to do our own thing for a bit so i help Eliza as she's not getting it entirely. "okay hands up like this then back and throw them forward and like the chest thingy"
"yes y/n i have that bit it's when you get to the kiss bit" she rolls her eyes.
"ohh so bend forward a bit and do one hand at a time over your mouth" i watch her
"then push away but forward if you get me"
"like this"

- time skip -

we just learnt the whole dance 💃

safe to say i'm a bit exhausted but we do it one last time so our 'coach' can post it on her dance insta. There is only 4 of us so it didn't take too long but we do that before stopping. Eliza was determined to hide behind somebody so being the amazing friend i am i let her hide behind me the whole video.

we finished running it the last time and she uploads it to her instagram while we all sit down and have a little chat. "your Phil fodens a little sister aren't you" the girl who's been quiet most the time asks pointing at me, i laugh a little "yeah" and reply.

"ohh so your dating Jude Bellingham" i side eye Eliza and nod getting a little uncomfortable being interrogated by 2 random girls. I did send Jude a message about 10 minutes ago saying we are finished so he should be here any minute, not like i'm ready to go but. I take my heels off and throw my crocs back on. "you ate that tho" one of the girls says to Eliza "aha thank you" she itches her neck.



coming now

"judes here eliza" i say to her as i walk back over
"oh alright it was nice to meet you" she gives the girls a quick hug and i do the same before we leave. "hello jude" she says walking past the window before getting in her car and zooming off.

"she's in a rush" he laughs
"she thinks she stinks" i raise an eyebrow and do my seatbelt "does she"
"no she smells really good actually."

Jude's house is actually quite close to the dance studio, probably a 10 minute drive so we got back in no time. "oh hey y/n" jobe says sat on the sofa
"hey" i reply and say hello to his mom and dad before we go upstairs. "so what did you think the necessities was" i raise my eyebrows and he hands me a plastic bag. "really" i open it, toothbrush, hair brush, perfume and deodorant, socks.

"so you went in my underwear drawer to get socks but didn't get underwear" i side eye him,
"and no clothes" i raise an eyebrow.
"ahh it's not the end of the world i'll borrow you some"
"in that case can i have a shirt" i take my shoes off and put the fluffy socks he picked up on.

"thanks" he hands me a random shirt from his wardrobe and i put it on, i have a sports bra on so i don't have to leave the room anyways. "my mom showed me pictures well sent me pictures of me when i was 14 today" i throw myself onto his bed.
"i think i need to see this pictures" he sits next to me, i grab my phone from the bedside table and open my moms messages.

"here" i hand him the phone,
"that's not the same person" he puts the phone by the side of my head, "the 2016 brow phase" i look in disgust at myself "you still have them" he looks at my eyebrows "no they are just full" i roll my eyes. "changing the subject when are you going back again" i ask,
"not tomorrow but the next day"
"so soon" i drag oo out a little.

"i'm going on insta" i grab my phone and pull up Eliza's messages.


bitch answer me

sorry boo what's wrong 🥰

i haven't told you but me
and xavier have been going
out for a few months now and
like we have obviously like yk

yeah  get to the point i
figured that anyways

i'm pregnant.

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now