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Jude is currently at training again.

i have just gotten out of a nice long, relaxing bath and into some comfy clothes. Which mean's basically shorts and a big hoodie, i'm aware it's December and like 0°c but this house is absolutely boiling.

I haven't done any makeup today, just skin care. I need to give my face a rest, Jude is at training for a while today considering he has a game tomorrow.

Tomorrow he's playing man city, which is actually quite cool because i get too cheer on Phil and Jude in one game. Crazy to think they are playing against each other to be fair tho. But.

The time currently is 1:42pm and i'm doing a bit of Christmas shopping online. More specifically i've finished my mom, dad, Phil, Eliza and Jude. I literally just have my cousins but i will probably just give them all some money except mae, i'm taking her shopping before Christmas because i know she won't do anything with the money and her mom would probably steal it.

Feels good to have got most people out the way now tho, might pick up one or two more things for Jude and some more stuff for Eliza but i'll have to see.

I have no idea what to do now so i think i'm going to take a nap because i didn't get much sleep at all last night.

- time skip -

i just woke up from my nap and it's 3:14pm, Jude's getting home at around 5pm today so i think i'm going to clean his room. I open the curtains i closed before i went to sleep, pick up any little bits of rubbish and just made the bed etc.

After i finished all that it passed a good half an hour, i did bring my air up which i just found in my suitcase so i go and fill that up. I found a gym 10 minutes away from the house so i might go there for a bit. I keep the same outfit on but throw some trainers on before i leave.

"i'm going to the gym do you want me to bring anything back" i ask Denise before i leave, she says she doesn't want anything so i close the door behind me and get into the car i rented to drive to the gym.

not long after i arrived.

- time skip -

i just finished the gym and i'm sat in the locker room, scrolling through my phone and freshening up. The time is around 4:30 which means i done around an hour session which i'm haooy with considering i haven't been to the gym in what seems like years. I spray perfume, more deodorant and brush my hair back again. Then i leave the locker room and walk out, that's until i feel a tap on my shoulder. This guy is stood there probably 5,10 or smth, black hair but yeah "excuse me is it possible for me to have your number" he asks me holding his phone out.

"i'm so sorry but i have a boyfriend" i smile and turn away. That hasn't happened in ages, at least i know i still got it AYEEE. Anyways i get into my car and before i go back i stop at this random little shop to grab some gum then make my short drive.

I pull into the driveway and turn the engine off before exiting the car, making sure to lock it behind me. I open the front door and see Jude and Denise sat on the sofa, from what it seems like Jude hasn't noticed me walk in considering his back is towards the door and i did open it really quietly.

i creep up behind him 'RAH' i grab his shoulders.
"fuck off" he gets his breath back, i'm stood there cackling. "you jumped so badly" i get out in between wheezes. "not even funny" he says with a straight face. I sit down next to him "how was training"
"are you excited for your game tomorrow" I ask
"yeah i am i can't lie" he replies
"do you reckon your going to score"
"hope so"
"so you can do you 🦥 celebration" i laugh a little to myself.

"of course" he replies. I tell them i'm going to freshen up properly and go have a quick shower to wash because i'm still sweating. I wash my body, no hair tho because i only did that last night. When i get out i put my last tracksuit of the trip on and some socks obviously! Then brush my hair and leave it down. I don't bother going back downstairs just yet and decide to do absolutely nothing with my time and lay there scrolling through tiktok.

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now