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it's 7:26am, i've just woke up. I had such an amazing sleep to be honest. Day 3 in Cyprus and we only have 3 left after today which is kinda sad but i get up and have a shower anyways. Jude's still asleep so i creep back in to choose my outfit, i choose the exact same thing as yesterday just in a royal blue. One because it's comfy and two because it's nice but casual nice.

I put that on without waking him up so i put my products in my hair, i'm leaving it natural today so i use my hairspray, curl cream, scrunch my gel in and hair mouse. "clinging and clanging" my soul leaves my body and i see Jude sat up on the bed "i'm sorry" i move my hand from my heart, he stands up and grabs clothes for the day "what's your plans for today" he asks.

"I'm going to walk around with Eliza you?" i ask
"god knows, gym and sit out there or by the pool maybe" he frowns and changes. I stand up and put my leg on the chair so i can moisturise them easier. lol!

"have you spoke to her" he questions me
"nope but i told her to come to breakfast" i scrunch my nose, "want me to come and leave when she comes because i don't wanna eat breakfast alone to be fair" he slides his shoes on and i put mine on too.

"yeah" i laugh and we walk to the main building of the hotel. It's a big buffet of breakfast which in my eyes is a W. As you can imagine i eat a tad too much and Eliza never ends up showing, i ring her quickly.

i'm coming i'm coming

she hangs up, i look and Jude and we laugh a little. "somebody must of slept in" i raise my eyebrows and put my phone back on the table. "must've."

I see her walk in 5 minutes later, tad obvious she needs to get ready still considering she's in pyjamas. "Hi y/n hi Jude" she sits down next to me,
"right i'm going to go then" he stands up and says bye.

"when you come back sit there please" i look at her in disgust, we both have a little laugh and she goes to grab breakfast. Considering she was so late i've finished mine so i just sit there uncomfortably waiting for her. "So Jude's moving to spain" i blurt out "so he's going real madrid" she replies,
"i don't think i was supposed to say but yes"
"that's so amazing"
"yeah and urm" i urm for a little longer then i wanted too "get your words out" she laughs and takes another bite of her breakfast.

"i'm moving with him" i smile with half worry,
"oh my gosh that's so lucky i'm so happy for you" she smiles from ear to ear.

"your happier then me" i grin.

- time skip -

We just got to the hotel room door, she needs to get ready before we can go out. I unlock the door, the cleaners must of been in because the bed is all crisp and fresh. I see Jude sat out on the patio and go talk to him while Eliza showers.

"hi" i sit on a chair thats close to the little sun bed, "hello" he replies.
"So when are you off to spain" i ask him, he puts his phone down "well i'm suspended this week then next week is my last game so just over 2 weeks" he answers. "oh i'm back in england in a week anyways."

"Yeah so obviously my moms helping with houses at the moment because of how sudden it is then if you pack your stuff i can fly to madrid to take my stuff then you can fly over and i'll just come get you"
"yeah that's probably the easiest way"

- big time skip -

Jude flew home a few hours ago, it's about 6pm. Me and Eliza are having a chilled night in just because we have been out and she is pregnant. Not that heavily but she's getting there, starting to show anyways.

We just finished having some dinner at a little restaurant near the hotel and are nearly back. "I'm so tired" she groans,
"well what time did you get in" i laugh and push open the door "4am"
"well somethings telling me that's why."

We both get into our pjs and chat for a little before falling asleep.

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now