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It's game day.

Jude's all ready and is leaving now, i'm driving up with his mom in a few hours because there is 5 hours until kick off. "Bye" i get out of bed to give him a quick hug "i'll look for you" he hugs me back then picks up his bag and leaves. I turn the shower on and get in, my hair is going to go natural again today so i need time for it to dry.

I'm out the shower in 20 minutes then put my clothes on, obviously Jude's shirt. Well mine but he gave it to me a few months ago.

I do basic makeup, obviously a little bit of lip liner and gloss but i can't live without it. apart from that just concealer a little bronzer and blush and a tiny bit of highlighter on my nose. "Y/n we are going to leave in 20 minutes okay" Denise pops her head in, "okay thanks" i smile at her.

I stand up from the floor, why he doesn't have a desk or anything i don't know, and spray some perfume. Also grabbing a charger, my phone, gum and lip oil then putting them in my pocket i go downstairs.

"I'm ready" i poke my head in the living room, Denise replies with a simple alright and i see her gather her stuff before we get in her car and she starts the drive. "Are you two going to be okay in spain" she asks not taking her eyes of the road
"yeah your list was a massive help" i laugh slightly
"glad to hear that but remember if you need any help i'm a phone call away"
"thanks Denise."

"I bet your excited to go back to england tho"
"are you joking i would love the sun" she laughs
"oh sorry i thought because of jobe and mark"
"yeah no i am" she replies "I'm just glad Jude finally got his sense's together and asked you to be his girlfriend, me and your mom where rooting for you both"
"wait what" i nearly cry with laughter
"since she found out you was a girl it was her mission i think, and all your ex's she has actually hated"
"that makes sense actually, but i never knew you wanted us to be together" i wheeze
"yup especially the last 3 years i could just tell by the way he looked at you" she laughs with me
"is that why he didn't have a girlfriend for ages" i let a gasp of realisation out.

"yup and while you was with mason is it? he hated him said he wasn't good for you that's probably why"
"no he was right about that one" i answer her.

We carry on talking and soon arrive, we got there quite close to kick off as traffic was really bad so i didn't have a chance to go see him before he played which i felt so bad about but it's fine i'm close ish to the pitch anyways. We get to the box and walk out on the balcony (no idea if they have balcony's on the boxes at bvb but let's pretend).

I take a seat and just wait.

I posted a picture on my instagram story and that's about it before the players are walking out. I see Jude walking out with a little boy, he's so good with kids it's cute. They stand up in the little line they do and shake all the players hands then i see him walk the kid back over which they don't even do but by the looks of things the kid was shy as fuck.

He started walking back to get into his position but turned around to where i was sat and waved at us both, i just smile back and mouth good luck.

*+ time skip +*

the final whistle blows, Denises makes her way down to the tunnel for when he gets there. I stay and watch him, he plays around with the little boy who was a mascot before the match while walking towards the fans. He claps for them all, my heart melts at the sight of him with the child (not in a weird way guys i'm not a pedophile x).

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now