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"wake up" Eliza pokes me one more time, i just reply with a long groan and turn over "nooo" she grabs my shoulder and turns me back over "you've got to go say bye to Jude he's leaving in 40 minutes"
"shit are you staying here" i ask and sit up throwing some shoes on "yup"
"i'll be back soon" i spray perfume and run downstairs to drive to his house.

Not long after i get there with 32 minutes to spare, i knock on the door and Jobe answers. "Jesus you look rough" he jumps back a little
"i don't look that bad" he moves to the side and i walk in "no no but i'm used to seeing you all dressed up"
"i'll take that as a complement i guess...." i walk upstairs to Jude's room and see him sat on the edge of his bed putting his shoes in "hello" i close the door behind me. "hello you" he ties his shoe lace and stands up to walk over to me "how are you" i smile
"i'm doing perfectly fine how are you doing" he puts his hands around my waist which sends butterflies straight to my stomach in return i put mine around his neck with a big nice smile!

"your so beautiful" he says
"don't make me blush" i reply
"what are you thinking" he asks
"nothing" i smile and stare into his eyes
"your staring" he laughs
"i know i am" i laugh back.

(can i put it out there i'm cringing at myself writing this 🥰🥰 love thoo!)

i see his eyes flick between my eyes and my lips for a split second and get the hint. we have a little smooch, well not so little but.... it's okay!! because he's leaving the country and even tho i'm going to see him not tomorrow but the day after he's still leaving. we hear the door click open and jump away from each other, i quickly turn around to see who walked in. it's only Jobe.

"get a room"
"we have one but you didn't knock" Jude says bluntly "moms chatting my ear off so i was going to come and sit in here...." he slowly sits down on the bed and we awkwardly sit down either side of him.

"right i'm going to go i think" i slap the bed either side of me and stand up, i give Jude a hug and a little kiss and say bye to Jobe before saying bye to his parents.

I pop to the shops before i go back and grab a little bottle of raspberry Bacardi, in my defence my drinking partner is going to be gone so i might as-well have a drink before i go to Germany then drive home.

"backk" i walk into the room and close it with my foot before putting my glass down, lemonade and Bacardi then take my shoes off and put my slippers on. "i can't drink you know and it's only 5:46pm" Eliza sits up in my bed
"i know but you don't need alcohol to act like an idiot and that's a decent time to get an early ish night too"
"fair enough, did you have a good time for the 10 minutes you was there"
"very good" i smile and pour a drink
"very good aye" she winks
"yeah until Jobe walks in" i raise my eyebrows and take a big sip of my drink "i'm hoping you was just kissing or something" she laughs,
"yes Eliza i was only gone 10 to like 15 minutes"
"well i don't know how long it yk"
"okay let's stop okay" i take another large sip.

- time skip -

it's a good 2 hours later i've had a few drinks, well my bottle ran out but it was only a small one. Eliza ordered us some food so we are currently scoffing our face with McDonald's. "i'm so happy your having a little kid" i smile and imagine her as a mom pushing around a little kid in a pushchair "i hope you have a girl so i've got a little niece to take shopping when she's older" i waffle on.

"i don't mind if it's a he or she either i will be happy"
"boring" i roll my eyes and turn some music on.

"i'm actually really tired" i turn it off after 5 songs and get under my covers with her. Time has flew it is only 8pm but i have one day here before i go for a while so i'm going to go and visit Phil in Manchester which means an early morning. Eliza told me she's going to leave me to relax so i show her out and give her a big hug.

Right after i see her drive off i run upstairs and get into bed before falling asleep.

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum