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Jude's back in germany now.

It is nearly new years but i know he's staying over there for new years and i don't really want to go over there. Me and eliza are having a few people over my house because my parents are going to be away.

When i say nearly i mean it's like 2 days away, but scary to think it's going to be 2024. Also when i say few i do mean few literally 6 of us. Me, Eliza, lily, my cousin dani, max and Ethan.

We are just going to play some games and have a little drink not a party or anything just a little get together.

Anyways, i'm currently sat in my living room watching home alone, i am aware Christmas was 4 days ago but i will happily watch home alone all year round. And yes. I am sat in Christmas pyjamas too because who's stopping me.

My hot water bottle has gone cold tho so i get up to go boil the kettle and re-fill it. Being the greedy piggy i am, i also grab some snacks!

- time skip -


It is the next day now but oh well.

I have dance today, i've got back into it about 6 months ago after i stopped a few years ago from competing. I'm more doing it now for the fitness side of things tho, just a bonus that i'll get to re-visit my childhood. I know the one i joined does a bit of everything tho, when i was younger i did do a lot but was probably best at contemporary, from what i remember anyways.

I slick my hair back and brush my lashes before going to put my clothes on. i throw some leggings and a sport bra on but put a hoodie on over the top until i get there.

I just walked into the room, "hiya" i say to this girl called scarlet who suggested i should come.
"ahhh you came" she gives me a hug, i used to dance with scarlet when i was young young but she never stopped. "are you rusty" she laughs
"i don't think so" i reply.
"can you still turn"
"i hope so i mean probably not as good as i used to but" i laugh a little bit.

Not long after that we start.

We have been dancing for a while now, we are doing a dance to still down by Ashanti (the song above). It's well in my eyes a bit sassy but except from that i'm not sure how to explain it.

"right your all eating that up okay but i've got a little surprise" Mae says, she's our teacher even tho she's only a few years older then me which seems a little weird but. "we are doing a show thingy which is like a competition but not so competitive if you get me, and yes i know y/n your new but scarlet told me you used to do competitive dancing so you should be fine" Well.

me fine. I don't think i have got on a stage since i was 16. "we will carry on with regular dance class but if i give you a like duet with somebody i'll message you both and see if you can come in privately."

After we basically perfect the routine she lets us all go. "could of warned me" i chug my water
"it will be fun" she laughs and wipes her forehead
"i haven't danced in bloody ages" i rub my eye,
"you will be fine you still got it girl" she hits my arm. "scarlet y/n come here please" Mae calls out and waves us over, "scarlet will get like costumes most the time and i want you to help her because sometimes she... yeah" she rolls her eyes at scarlet and we all laugh a little. "sure" i smile,
"i'll give you some inspiration here" she hands me a little pocket thingy with pieces of paper with sketches.

"thanks" i smile and go back to throw my hoodie on,
"if you can, want to go have a look now" Scarlet walks back over to me "yeah sure" i reply and we both drive up to town.

I park close to her and we go find what mae asked for.

- time skip -

we got the costumes and i just got back to my house, it is now 6:38pm. I decided to shoot Jude a little message.

Jude ❤️

just actually went to a dance class
for the first time in 3 years.

bet you was rusty

i actually wasn't 😒

are you sure about that



whatevaa, 2024 soon

first new years in like 15 years

bloody hell have we known
each other for that long.

yess it was nursery so might
actually be 16 years

cricky that's ages

how have i managed to put up
with you for THAT long my god

shut up i was only messaging
to see if you was going to be in
england around july 25th

yh when the league finishes i'm
coming back to england for a while

well suddenly the place i went 
to does like this annual dance show

i need to see you dance again
i used to cackle at you

i remember doing a musical  theatre
piece and you thought i was messing
up and forgetting

not my fault i never saw you do that

i guess i did look like a bit of a prat

a bit?

don't push it

sorry sorry

what you doing for new years

think i'm going out with halaand
and a few of the other boys  wbu

staying here with eliza and a few
other ppl

not like you, you usually love an
excuse to go out 😭

i'm a changed woman


what's so funny #newyearnewme

u say that every year


me and jude talk for a little longer before i go grab some dinner. "thanks mom" she cooked me some chicken and pasta, love my moms cooking. *bzz*

i look at my phone and it's Eliza.

eliza 😘

didn't fancy inviting me to dance

you've never danced

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now