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i wake back up at probably 7pm and just sit there bringing myself to get up to grab my phone. I do manage too tho, all that's there is a few messages of eliza which i open like a normal person would.


bitch i just remembered how
r we gonna go travelling like
we wanted if i've got a baby

erm ur right will u still be able
to travel when i get back?


i'll book us a good month
of travelling if you want we
can always extend it while
we are out there


yeah it can be your birthday
gift or wtv!

thank you i'll let you enjoy
yourself now

i brush my hair and walk to Jude's room which is only next door. Obviously knocking before i just walk in "come in" i hear muffled from the other side,
"hello" i close the door behind me, he's sat playing fifa. how fun. "hey" he turns his eyes back to the game and i sit on his bed. I remember Eliza telling me she wanted to go Cyprus and considering we would be leaving the end of September i thought it would be a perfect place to go because it would still be warm.

I book us flights and a hotel for 6 nights there, i think we may as-well decide where to go after that when we are there or something. I screenshot the ticket and send it to her. "how are you" i ask and put my phone down "i'm good you?" he finishes the game and turns it off. "alright"
"want to go out for some food in like an hour"
"nice food like something i need to shower for?"
"yeah" he laughs
"damn"  I stand up and walk back to the guest room to get something to wear. I choose a ribbed grey dress that's off the shoulder, some boots and a long black jacket.

I put them on my bed, obviously not the shoes then get into the shower. I shave my legs and wash my hair as quickly as i can considering i do only have 50 minutes to do my hair and get ready.

I sit down on the floor before i get into my outfit and start with skincare and makeup. Not doing anything too heavy but just to make sure i look put together. Then i start my hair, i left myself a good 30 minutes to straighten it which should be enough. *knock knock* "come in" i say.

"nearly done" Jude opens the door and just stands there "yeah should finish my hair in 5 then i need to get changed"
"mind if i come in" he frowns
"not at all" i smile and go back to doing my hair.

I get down to the last section and then grab my dress of the bed "don't look" i point and get changed. After that i put the jacket on and grab everything i need including a bag with perfume, gum, my card and phone. Also making sure to grab my boots and we go downstairs.

When i get to the door i put them on and we leave.

"you look handsome" i smile at him
"thank you, you look beautiful as always" he doesn't take his eyes off the road and i have a scroll on instagram.

Probably about 20 minutes later we arrive at this beautiful little place. "this is so beautiful" i say as i get out of the car, "it is isn't it" he closes the door and we walk in. Bonus points because it's not busy at all. "hello could i have a table for two please" Jude asks the waiter who was stood at the little desk thing.
"of course follow me" he smiles and walks off.

We get seated at this little table by a window. Would be a lovely spot at sunset to be honest.

"what do you want for drink" Jude asks me
"i'm not sure might have a strawberry daiquiri" i shrug and flip the drinks menu closed, "what about you" i add onto the end. "probably just a water in driving aren't i."

About a minute later our waiter walks back over, "can i get you any drinks" he asks,
"can i have a strawberry daiquiri please" i reply with a smile "yup and for you" he turns to Jude.
"just a water please" he says and smiles a little.

The waiter walks off straight after. "so excited for Saturday?" i ask
"you've got to let me know how it goes" I reply
"your coming what do you mean" he frowns and tuts then the waiter comes back with our drinks. "thank you" Jude says and i say the same,
"have you decided on what to eat"
"not yet" Jude replies
"okay i'll come back soon" The waiter smiles and walks off.

"so i'm coming Saturday" i put my phone down on the table, "of course you are" he looks at me like i'm crazy. "I just thought cus it was such short notice you know" i shrug a little,
"yeah but it's kind of a big deal"
"fair enough" i grab a menu and skim over. Something catches my eye, spicy rigatoni with a vodka sauce, assuming that the sauce isn't straight vodka because i've made a little promise to myself I'm not going to drink much. One little cocktail now and then is fine but the after math is just horrific.

"oh by the way when i get back from here like a week after i'm going on a mini travelling trip with Eliza before she can't travel" i ramble out,
"well i hope you have fun" he smiles and the waiter comes over once again, he's kinda creepy, only just realised tho. "have we decided yet" he literally grins at me and i side eye Jude. "yeah.. can i have the rigatoni please" i smile a little.

"what the fuck" i whisper and cover my mouth to the side he walked off "he's creepy isn't he"
"just a tad" i laugh quietly.

- time skip -

We just finished our food, paid and are getting in the car. "thank you for the impulse dinner" i buckle my seatbelt and turn to look at him "your welcome" he smiles and gives me a little kiss. I open my bag and grab some makeup wipes to wipe off the little amount i haven't sweated off. I just put the wipes in a tissues that's in my bag and sit back.

I must of fell asleep on the way back some how but we are back at his house now. "i'm gonna get straight into bed i think" i rub my eye and close the car door. Going straight upstairs i put my hair up and get into some pyjamas before i go and say night to Jude.

Before i go in i knock. "hey" he smiles
"hii" i walk further in a bit "i'm going to sleep now" i add and give him a hug then walk back to the guest room. Considering it's still warm i don't want the extra body heat to keep me awake so i get into the guest bed and go to sleep.

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || jude bellingham x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now