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Misunderstandings made us apart but it had no control over our love

Listen to the above song on loop cause it's such a vibe for this chapter or else listen to Piya re by Darshan Raval

Sunidhi was living with her parents while I was in training. Being around my comrades was a fun experience, the day was spent with them as I enjoyed and trained with them to serve my country.

But at night, I would always wonder what she must be doing? I couldn't forget her. Not even after a month, two months, 6 months or a year.

I longed to just dial her number but I didn't know what to say. I had left the past behind but not her.

It wasn't fair to Sunidhi and Mahi both but neither of them cared about my feelings.

Sunidhi's parents like me, after all I'm in the army which is a well respected job. I was just coping up with everything when Sunidhi proposed to me for marriage. I ... Agreed.

We got married as I had my posting be postponed to after 3 months. She demanded me since we had just gotten married.

I had long lost the light of my life, nothing made me happy. Absolutely nothing. From a carefree boy to a mature man, I sure as hell grew up.

Sunidhi was rather unbothered until it came to my job, I thought it was normal but she proved me wrong. It wasn't. She despied my job. And it's not just that. She was not okay with me leaving but she also didn't like writing letters to me since the radio silence zone I was posted in didn't have a telephone connection.

She kept arguing and fighting over small things, and for some reason she loved to taunt me with Mahi's name. I had warned her many times but she didn't listen.

I was granted a leave for a week since I had got myself injured. Not small injury but a bullet. I came back home but what I did not expect was my 'loving' wife being with someone else in our bedroom. (Ziva doesn't know this)

I filed divorce right after, but she ruined me. My everything was my home that I bought with my hard earned money, she didn't ask for alimony but didn't returned my house. I filed a case against but it was discarded by the court.

My mind was a mess. My mental health was ruined and I started to take antidepressants at doctor's prescription.

Why always me? God seems to specifically hate me. First my parents left me, then I had to let go of her and be manipulated by a cheating woman and then loosing my house to her.

I didn't hold anything against Sunidhi since I never loved her, as much as I tried to. Because the only person I loved was long gone from my life. But I did feel bitter cause if all she wanted was to go behind my back then she could have left me instead.

I joined the military base shortly after my divorce and I have never felt so alone in my life.

After 4 months, I got a promotion and I was now the Captain in Indian army. Arjun and his family gave me a surprise along with my other colleagues. Through the bustling party, my mind went to her again.

What must she be doing?

I took out my wallet with her photo in it. Nothing in this world felt complete without her.

My wallet was snatched out of my hands startling me, I let out an annoyed sigh. "Give me my wallet Arjun!" I said keeping my glass of Rum down as he examined the pic Letting out a low whistle which made my blood boil.

"Give it back!" I snatched it away as my colleagues laughed, "Who's the pretty lady Captain?" One of my army friends asked.

"No one guys!" I said trying to dismiss the topic. They all groaned as they pleaded me to tell my great love story. Note the sarcasm.

As I sat over the couch, my eyes trailing off to my closed wallet. "This is the end of the world! I have never seen Captain this peaceful!!"

I rolled my eyes reminiscing the days of high school. "Come on man.. " this time Arjun pleaded Sincerely.

"There was this girl I met in high school. She was different then any other person I had ever met. The most kindest smile and loving eyes that practically radiated warmth and compassion." I trailed off forgetting that I was surrounded by swarn of my friends who seem to be living there own love stories.

"She became my everything. She helped me in studies, so naturally we spent a lot of time together. Her name was Mahi.. " I said caressing a pocketed bracelet that I had with me since forever. I bought this for her.

"Was she beautiful?" Protectiveness seeped through my veins as I gave the person a glare. "Okayyyyyyy Chill. Just asking" everyone laughed as I shook my head.

"And then our path divided and we never saw each other" I said shrugging as my tears became ice that I didn't let come out.

Arjun frowned at me as a silence prevailed the room.

Chuckling I took a sip of alcohol as they smiled sadly, I made my way back to the balcony. Standing there under the night sky as Arjun slipped next to me.

"Even when she is not here, to me she is everywhere!! In my heart, in my mind, engraved in my fucking soul.. " Tushar said as Arjun looked at him sadly.

After few weeks, my troop was attacked and God tested me once again. I stayed in Coma for 8 months and when I opened my eyes, she was back with me. Mahi.

She was here but I was completely and utterly broken by then. The guilt was eating me up that why did I have to be the one alive out of all of my troop who got martyred. I had given up on my life but unknown to me she was healing a part of me everyday.

Be it her little sassy comments or her naturally loving aura, I was falling in love with her all over again.

But the other part of my brain wanted me to just die. She saved me again. And then my life was whisked away from throat when I heard that she loved me.

I should have been happy but all it gave me was another heartbreak, I was pissed. Why did she never moved on from me? Just why?

What about Chris? My mind was a mess and I spurted nonsense half expecting her to never wanting to see me again which gave me both pain and releif, since I didn't no more had the courage to face her.

She was here but seemed to be more far than when I was in India and her in Norway.

She deserved someone way better than me, I was already married the first time which didn't last more than an year.

I was handicapped and might never walk again, being with me will only bring her pain. I can never do that. Not to the woman I love.

I was helpless and I hated that feeling that I have to be a burden on her, from my past experiences I knew no one loved a burden but Mahi never complained.

Even when I got out of control due to my nightmares and started to get panic attacks, she never left me.

My insecurities got the best of me. There was nothing special in me for her to love me..

I can't fail this so I never tried..

Never in my life will I love her like the way I do but I want her to not love me.

For which she deserves someone who'll always be there for her. Who'll let her be his first and last and cherish her like she is the most precious gem in this world and since that moment, I loved her in silence.

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