Chapter 63

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The director of the program team who was coordinating in the studio couldn't sit still for another minute. It felt like there were nails growing on his butt. The director's chair bounced up when it touched him. He simply gave up and continued in the studio and went straight to kill Qiu. Autumn scene.

The parties involved, Qiuqiu and Xiang, were not what everyone imagined, and they had a friendly exchange with each other.

Elephants are very intelligent and quickly judged that the human cub in front of them had no ill intentions towards them, so they relaxed towards Qiuqiu.

The keeper sister came soon.

Seeing the elephant in front of them and the worried program guests, they immediately understood what was happening.

She did not directly tell Qiuqiu and the others about the elephant, but asked the guests of the show in front of her: "Everyone, have you ever seen an elephant show?" The

guests looked at each other and shook their heads.

Qiuqiu also shook his head. The only time he and his brothers and sisters sneaked out of the house to go to the market was when they saw people playing monkey tricks on the street.

Although the guests present had not seen the elephant show, there were viewers in the live broadcast room who had seen Sen *wan* tidying up.

Netizens are commenting on your experience of watching the elephant show.

"When I was a kid, I went to the animal circus and saw elephants standing on their heads!" "

When I was traveling, I bought a painting painted by an elephant. I still have that painting at home." "

I have only ridden on a giant elephant . Elephant, does this count?"

The keeper sister sighed softly: "No animal is born capable of performing. Animals are smart, but not that smart. They are not like humans, who use language to communicate to gain learning ability. Let them learn to perform The method is very cruel, that is violence.

Beat them with whips, use sharp elephant hooks, tie their limbs with iron chains with metal barbs, and let them eat a little bit of food so that they will always be hungry and obedient

. If an elephant doesn't understand art, how can it paint? It can paint because humans insert paintbrushes into its fragile nostrils full of nerves, and then hook its ears from the elephant. The pain controls the direction of its trunk. It looks like an elephant. I am painting, but it is actually the blood and tears of the elephants crying in pain.

Another popular performance is the elephant handstand. Do you know how much an adult Asian elephant weighs?"

The guests present were still immersed in what the keeper's sister said. Among the bloody facts behind the elephant, no one answered for a while. Then a clear voice answered: "4 to 8 tons."

Qiuqiu answered.

"Yes, can you imagine how terrifying it would be for an 8-ton animal to stand upside down with only two forelimbs to support the entire weight of the body? Many times once they fall, what awaits them is disability and death." The guests

collectively Looking at the scars on the legs of the docile Asian elephant in front of us, we can probably understand how these layers of scars came about.

Netizens who were discussing the elephant performance just now also fell silent.

I don't know how long it took before someone silently typed: "I didn't know before that there was such blood and cruelty behind these performances."

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