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When the morning came, I wore my armor and took my sword. Everyone was ready to end the war. This was our last stand, after this...the gods would tell of the outcome.

"After today, there will tales told of this day, of our last stand against the Rhanian. After today, Celtic will change forever." Idris spoke before the men,

I watched him, seeing just how much of a weasel he was. He was trying to win the people, to have them put their faith in him and his brothers over me.

"Aye," the men nodded.

"Does the queen have any words to say?" he asked, turning to face me.

"Where is Skar and his men?" I asked, looking at the few that remained.

The faces changed.

"He...he fled my queen." Answered one man, "Said that he would not die for this."

"I see," I said, "I will have his head after this war."

He would bleed before me.

"Time is not on our side, let us leave," I said, and everyone began to move, taking their horses and dragons that remained.

Ragnar did not move, and I knew he had something to say.

"What is it?"

"Will thirty men be enough to travel with ye?"


"Good. Take care of yerself."

"Aye." I nodded,

He then walked away, and I walked to my horse and mounted it quickly. Thirty men in horses were with me, and we rode away to the where the Rhanian were. The grey sky looked down at me, no gods present. I had no gods.

This particular moment reminded me of one winter with Piper. We snuck from the castle and took horses out into the snow. I remembered it well, the coldness, piper's red hair sprayed in the air, how we both laughed...everything.

She was not with me anymore. I was alone in this world, where I still missed my dear sister. I loved her dearly.

The horses traveled in the snow, galloping fast towards the enemies lair. Curse Skar for fleeing at such a time. Already, we could see the corpses buried under the snow, Rhanian corpses who could not escape the cold.

From behind the mountains, the few Rhanian appeared. Seeing them, I signaled my men to fire arrows at them. Arrows rained on the men, and they took cover behind the hill.

Where was the champion?

They appeared again, this time pulling their catapult. I rode up the hill, heading for the catapult when the champion appeared from behind, in her black armor. My palms began to sweat in the cold as I jumped off the horse.

They fired the ball of fire and six of my men fell. The remaining charged forward and so did the Rhanian. I pulled out my sword from its sheath and began to slash through the Rhanian, my eyes on the champion.

She did not move.

"Rhea!" I yelled, "Come for me!"

The words seemed to strike fear in her heart, and she moved backwards, running from me.


I ran after her, boots digging in the fresh snow. I brought up my sword, striking the Rhanian men and then continued to chase after Rhea, down the other side of the hill,

She pulled out her sword and attacked me and we danced around the snow.

"I will kill ye!"

"Urggh!" she stroke my armor. I moved backwards and she attacked again, hitting the helmet from my face. It flew into the snow, and she kicked me on the chest, and I stumbled back before she shoved the sword on my shoulder.

I cried in agony, blood staining the snow.

"I am not Rhea!" she huffed, blade still in my shoulder.

I stroke her with my other hand, my blade cutting the side of her cheek. She pulled out the blade from my shoulder and moved backwards.

"Liar!" I huffed, attacking her again.

She moved out of the way and shoved her blade on my back. I let go of my sword and fell on my knees.

"Why would I lie?" she stood over me, green eyes looking down at me. Her hands positioned the sword for my head.

From the sky, I saw the dragon approaching. My lips curled into a smile, and I began to laugh sadly. Was this the end?

"You laugh...why?"

The dragon screeched loudly, flying low.

She turned around and positioned the blade for the approaching enemy. Using my good hand, I grabbed the golden dagger on her sheath quickly. The weapon exploded with golden magic and the weapon turned into a short sword.

I shoved the weapon at her abdomen, and she gasped, her eyes wide open. I pulled out the weapon and shoved it in again and then rose to my feet. My fist bruised her face, and she was on the ground while Tarys, Duncan's new dragon landed just a couple of feet away.

I huffed, my eyes squinted to see the young blonde man jump off his dragon and run for me, raising his crossbow and firing towards my direction. I looked behind me and Rhanian men fell like dominoes.

He fired steel arrows, killing them off as they ran down the hill. Their bodies rolled on the snow, leaving blood trails while Duncan continued forward, loading his weapon. I fell on my knees and position the sword on the woman's neck.

"Kill me." she struggled to talk, hand pressing on her wound.

My hand burned on the weapon, I couldn't bring myself to slit her throat.

"Give me yer name and I will end ye."

"Iris. I am Iris." Her eyes lost focus before they closed.

"Leif!" Duncan yelled from behind. "Leif!"

"I am alright." I winced.

"Yer are bleeding."

"Don't worry about me." I looked at Iris.

"She isn't Rhanian is she?"

"No." I looked at him, "Ye need to do me a favor."


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