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The city streets were filled with Amdelonians, and I felt overwhelmed a bit. I barely left the castle, and when I did, I had guards with me. Being alone, dressed as a common woman was new to me.

I walked down the streets, pulling the sandals that I wore. I wrapped a scarf around my hair and tried to blend amongst the civilians. A few turned, watching me before continuing with their daily work.

Little children chased each other, carrying wooden swords and shields. I watched them shortly, reminiscing of my younger days when I would chase Iris with a wooden sword. Life was simple back then, unlike now.

I stopped before one of the doors braced myself and then I knocked on the it. There was silence. I knocked again before moving back and looking around. A few individuals walked by, eating exotic fruits, and laughing.

"Where are you?"

I moved forward again and knocked again,

"Can I help you?" a voice said from behind.

I turned around to face her, suddenly not knowing how to react. She wrapped a white scarf around her hair and carried a woven basket.

"Iris," I said in a low voice, "I...I was here to see you,"

"I am alright, you can leave," She unlocked the door and stepped inside the place.

"I want to say that I am sorry," I spoke, standing outside.

There was no response,

"Iris," I walked inside her place.

The black cat greeted me, wrapping her body around my legs before looking up at me, her green eyes sparkling. I smiled shortly and reached down to pick her up. She felt soft in my hands.

Iris stepped out from behind the beaded curtains, and I froze, waiting for her to kick me out.

"You take my position, my life and now you take my cat."

"It isn't like that. Listen. I know that I was wrong. I should have never chosen you to marry me. I am selfish, I am spoilt, and you have every right to hate me."

"Why are you here then? If I all you say is true?"

"...I had a word with Darya, and she opened my eyes. You never wanted this, to stay here with me. You wanted to fight, all along. I did not know you , how awful of me. I almost denied you the right to avenge your mother."

Her face immediately changed.


I should not have said that. My face reflected my inner conflict, my eyes wide open in guilt.

"What does my mother have to do with this?"

"I...I heard about what the...Warmongers did..."

"The Warmongers did not kill my mother, Asenath."


"The Emperor lies." She said, "Just like my mother did. Now, will you leave?"

"I do not understand."

"There is nothing to understand Asenath. Give me my cat and leave."

"I want to reinstate you, Iris. I am fighting for you here."

"See now, that's the problem. You always do things for me. This is how we got here, with you wanting to do as you please with my life. It has always been like this, from the very beginning."


"Yes! became your babysitter because you were helping me."


"Is it? Did you not go to your mother and tell that you were worried about me going out to war? That I had horrible scars every time I returned? I remember well! You were thirteen, spoilt and sitting before the painter, while she painted your pathetic face."

I gulped, blinking multiple times,

"Are you in denial?"

"You're mourning."


"Yes, you are mourning the death of your mother. The events of Zaleria triggered it. That is the reason you are cross." I made sense of the situation.

"Your narcissistic personality could never face the truth." She shook her head. "Am I surprised?"

"Stop pushing me away,"

"Stop forcing your agendas on me. Let me be, you've won. I am nobody now. Are you really this evil?"

"Okay," I placed down the cat before turning around and walking out.

"You see the problem with people like you is that you think everything belongs you. Bleeding gold doesn't mean that everything around the sun is yours. Nobody owes you anything."

I turned around quickly, "Shut up!"

"Or what? You'll have my head in spike?'

"You need to heal from your past! You need to deal with your dead mother!"

"Oh? Alright then I will. You deal with your dead lover as well. What was her name anyways? Audacia!"

I stepped quickly and walked away as fast as I could. That was the one name I could not stand and listen to. Her name came with pain and so much more that I had been suppressing for so long. Hearing her name felt like a bandage was ripped from the wound. 

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