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"The Rhanian have appointed another king, just as the woman told. Unlike Setis, he proves a challenge." Ragnar's voice spoke from the side.

I gave him no attention, watching Duncan and the girls practice archery from the gardens. They seemed to like him, better than they ever loved me. A pang of envy was felt. It should have been me instead of some boy.


"Hhhm?" I turned to face him.

"Are ye alright?"


"Ye don't look like it." His eyes found what I was looking at.

"They look at me like I did at Bjorn."

"Does it surprise ye? Ye sold their mothers for an army of men."

"What choice did I have?"

"It could have been anyone else but Marie and Agnes. Ye know it too. Skar never asked for specific names."

"So, ye would rather I sold some innocent women then?"

"Whores, drunks..."

"I did my sisters a favor, they just don't know it yet." I argued. "They weren't good women and soon..."

"Aye, if ye say so." He gave in.

I was not impressed by his response. He sounded doubtful of my decisions. I hated that.

"Winter is coming soon. With Skar's sworn loyalty to ye, I hope we won't have any problems that much."

"A man like Skar isn't guaranteed. Hopefully yes but we have to keep watch. I know that he will take his chances. He seemed delighted when he heard of how we had so less men."

"Regarding winter, I had a word with Josephine. We think it is time ye learned how to ride a dragon."

"Ragnar," I shook my head.

"Josephine will let ye try Phoebe. She is very gentle. I doubt she will have..."

"I have gold in my blood. Of course, she will attack." I argued.

"Aye, I know." He rubbed his chin. "I know but ye know ye need to ride one later."

"We have horses."

"Dragons are more effective."

"A horse will do." I said firmly. "I will be alright with any stallion."

He nodded, not convinced by my response.

"Duncan is growing pretty fast." I changed the conversation, "He looks better than the first time he was here."

"True." He agreed, "He will make a fine king."

"Fine king? Ye say that as if he will take my place as protector of Celtic."

"No one will take yer place Leif. There is no one more fit to protect us than ye." He said,

"Aye." I nodded.

He then walked away, leaving me to think. He was right. No one was more fit for the throne than I. I was their hope, Celtic's hope to gaining their power back. I was better, better than Bjorn ever was.


The screeching sound of the dragon filled my ears as I walked towards where he was being kept. The heavy gates kept him prisoner behind the dark and I could only see his amber eyes shining in the darkness.

He began to hiss when our eyes met. I took another step forward and watched him from the pit. He watched me too, eyes burning with the desire to kill.

"Tarys," I called his name while reaching out my hand.

He did not move.

"T...Tarys." I moved closer, sweat glistening on my forehead.

He screeched, hitting his body against the gate. I moved backwards and he watched me, hungry for my blood.

"I am yer Queen!" I yelled desperately, "Obey me damn creature!"

He screeched, banging harder. I moved backwards and held my head. I wasn't Celtic and he knew it. He was the one reminder of the impurity in my blood, of the blood of gold that I had. I was an outcast!


I turned around and the young blonde man stood, carrying a bucket.

Slowly, I let go of my head.

"Are ye alright? I heard yer yelling from afar."

"Duncan." I walked into his arms and embraced him tightly. A single tear crept from my eye.

"There, I got ye. Don't cry."

"I am not crying," I sniffed, not letting him go. "What are ye even doing here?"

"Feeding dragons." He answered, "I brought some pork for Tarys and Odin."

"He doesn't deserve it." I let him go, "Tarys doesn't deserve it."

"Why?" he was amused.

"He hates me." I looked back at the gates. "He hates the queen."

"I doubt it." He walked past me, "Come."

"He wants me dead. Can't ye hear him?"

"Tarys!" he yelled at the dragon, bending down before the gate.

The banging stopped and instead, I could hear the heavy breathing.

"The queen thinks ye hate her. Is it true?"

He hissed.

"Oh?" he chuckled.

"What does it say?" I asked.


"Why do ye laugh then?"

"...because I believe ye fear them."

"I don't."

He nodded before pushing the bucket between the small spaces. He dusted his hands before rising to his feet and moving back, watching the animal feed. I walked closer to him, curiosity peaking within.

"I touched one once, she was young." I said, "Aya, that was her name."

"Aya? Such a pretty name."

It was Freya's idea. She came up with that name.

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