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Birds chirped from the thick forest, the sunlight peaking from the leaves while the sound of the clear river could be heard nearby. The leaves tickled my sensitive skin while I carefully bent over, sneaking further into the forest. The sound of the mocking jay called out , getting louder and louder with each step.

I began to run, following the sound. The branches pulled my long dress and I had to hold it close to my body, in order to move freely. I stepped on some dried branches, and they snapped.

The world around me was paradise, a peaceful space for me to be myself, without having to worry about kingdom duties. This was the only time I could be Asenath, a young woman who had no responsibilities.

This was the one place I could be with my love, Audacia.

I blew a whistle, resting my palm on the rough bark of the tree before me. My eyes looked around. Where was she?

"Over here!" she spoke from above.

I looked up quickly and there she was, up the tree branch, looking down at me, a smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile shortly. She swiftly jumped off the tree and landed before me, with a loud thud.

"Your majesty," she bowed slightly.

"Oh please," I rolled my eyes, folding my arms over my chest. "Get up, stop embarrassing yourself Audacia."

"Very well," she stood up straight.

"You seem to forget the rules," I held onto my hips, "I am just Asenath, here."

She moved closer to me before wrapping her arms around my waist. I looked into her golden eyes, and we leaned for a kiss. Our lips touched and we shared a kiss before she pulled back and let me go.

"What is bothering you?" I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Why would you think that?" she asked,

"There was no love in that kiss. It was cold, still, empty."

"Was it?"


"Forgive me, I..."

"What is it?"

"I will be gone, I am leaving for one of the colonies."


"Asenath, listen, If I leave, then I can get to make an empire of my own. That is the only way that I can marry you. Zaleria is rich in resources, and I know that if I can spend two years working hard, I will come back with just enough riches to ask for you..."

"I know," I huffed, embracing her tightly. "I know,"

"I will be gone in two days." She whispered.

"Travel well. I guess this is farewell." I looked up at her.

"I will be back."

"You ought to," I urged her, "You ought to, or I will come to Zaleria and fetch you."

She laughed shortly before tucking my braids behind my ears gently. I let go of her before walking towards the river that gently ran across the forest. I kicked off my sandals while walking down the white coarse sand, heading for the crystal-clear water that twinkled under the sun.

"Care for a swim?" I looked over my shoulder.

"Of course," she gladly said, taking off her boots quickly.

I stripped from my dress before stepping inside the cold water. The water ran down my golden skin while I swam further into the deepest part, letting the water take my body heat away.

"What will you do while I am away?" Audacia spoke, swimming towards me, her voice barely audible from the running water.

"What can I possibly do? I will do just as I did, rot in the presence of my mother and tend to my responsibilities as the heiress of the great Emperor." I answered, grabbing a flower that grew over the river.

"Fair enough," she spoke, "I pity you,"

"No, I pity you," I handed the flower to her.

"Me?" she slowly took it, her eyes resting on me.

"Yes, for you will miss me dearly in Zaleria." I swam closer to her and then rested my hands over her strong shoulders,

"I disagree."

I let out a sharp laugh. Of course, she was lying. She would miss me I knew.

"You have my heart Asenath." She whispered, looking into my eyes.

"You have my heart as well Audacia." I whispered before kissing her softly on the lips. She kissed me as well and I could just feel the love from the kiss.

"ASENATH!" the deep voice that yelled startled us both.

We broke free from the kiss and my already dark skin went three shades lighter.

"You have to go." Whispered Audacia.

"Of course," I began to swim for the bank, my heart racing on my chest. As soon as I reached the ground, I stepped out before grabbing my dress and jewelry quickly. My feet walked over the ground while quickly wore my earrings and bracelets.

"ASENATH!" The voice drew closer.

"Yes?" I yelled back, wearing my dress as fast as I could. That was when I realized that I had left my sandals behind. My eyes opened wider in shock. I looked back . I couldn't go back , not now at least.

"ASENATH!" the tall woman in royal uniform appeared before me, cutting through the large leaves with her sharp sword.

"Iris," I huffed, "You frightened me!"

She paused, her dark green eyes wandering around the forest before looking at me closely. She looked down at my feet and her eyes moved up slowly.

"I was taking a bath," I walked past her quickly, "There's nothing to see!"

She turned around and followed me, placing the sword back in its sheath swiftly.

"The Emperor calls for you," she spoke, "She has been for some time now."

"What have I done now?" I pushed the leaves away from my face, holding my dress close to my damp body.

"I believe it has something to do with your duties, I overheard the priests talking about a disaster within one of the colonies."


"Yes, Zaleria, there is a war in Zaleria. They have soldiers leaving for it in two days."

I immediately stopped on my tracks.

Zaleria? War?

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