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"You seem like a man of influence, of power." I spoke, walking by the man. "We can help one another."

"What would a bitch need from me?" he asked.

Bitch? How rude!

"I need you to speak on my behalf, speak to the men, slave masters."

"I have no relationship with such unholy people."

"Unholy? I take it you are against slavery then!"

"No men is for sale." He spoke, "No soul can be sold."

"Fair enough," I said, trying to think of a way to get him to cooperate.

"My masters have sent me to Kayan to find the cyclops, I follow their will and will not be distracted by a mere bitch."

"I have a name. Karya." My voice remained calm, "I will pay you for your service sir, I will pay you generously too if you do."

"I take no money from bitches."

"My husband will pay you then," Goodness I couldn't believe I was referring to Viktor as my husband!

"Very well." He stopped and looked down at me, "I accept. What is it that I should do?"

I paused, my mind already thinking of the worst.

"Tell me what I must do, and I will do it." He said,

"I want you to kill some men for me, bad men who sell souls in this planet. I have their faces and I will show them to you too."

"Show me their faces and they will cease to exist."

"First, before you kill them, I want to know your name. Give me your name."

"Ganbaatar. I am Ganbaatar."

Such a foreign name, I wondered, which planet he belonged to.


Reasoning would not work with men who sold children in broad daylight. They had no soul, no consciousness whatsoever. I had to put an end to them, for good.

The sun slowly set behind the desert, and I watched it, standing on the balcony, glass on my hand. The breeze was gentle, and it blew by, sending my hair into my face. I took a sip on the glass before sighing.

"My lady," the delicate voice spoke from behind.

I turned around and Isabeth stood, carrying a robe on her hand.


"The lord wishes that you wear this, to protect you from the cold breeze."

"Really now?"

She nodded, stepping closer and helping me wear the robe gently.

"Thank you, Isabeth." I said, pushing my hair from my face, "Thank you for your service."

She nodded before walking back inside the castle, leaving me to drink the remining juice from the glass before turning around and looking up at the dim window of the balcony above mine.

A figure stood behind the glass, and I knew that it was Viktor. He was watching me from above. I wondered what his intentions were with me, for I knew it was not genuine keeping me around. It wasn't attraction too.

I smiled shortly, rose a glass at him before heading inside the castle.

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