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"Do ye swear to the Celtic gods, that ye will protect Celtic and all of her people with all of yer might, that yer will lead them to prosperity, that ye will be their strength and that ye will rule with fairness and honesty?"

I watched the man dressed in a long robe before me. He carried an ancient book, the holy Celtic book which all kings had to place their hands upon to swear. My palm felt the cold cover of the book while I swallowed some saliva.

"Do ye swear?"

"You smell blood Leif, the blood of the king's men. You swore to take them all,"

Dianmu's words returned.

"Aye, I swear." I said the words.

"A promise before the gods shall never be broken or one loses everything. The gods have heard ye. Rise now, not as Leif daughter of Bjorn but as Leif, the Queen and protector of Celtic."

I rose to my feet and the room began to clap. I was handed the king's sword and I held it before I turned around to face the crowded room of people that I knew and those that I did not.

Josephine II and Ragnar were amongst the people, clapping happily and smiling. All the king's wives, their daughters...all nine remaining of them. Lilith was there too, looking displeased and out of place.

I raised the sword in the air, and they fell to their knees in respect, everyone within the room. I had never dreamed of having so much power in my hands. I had the power to bow a crowd, with just a single gesture.

No wonder Bjorn abused it so much. Such power did not belong to one man.


"Yer majesty," Silvie spoke from the bed, a glass of whiskey on her hands.

I closed the door behind before walking towards the bed, removing my shoes in the way. I sat at the edge of the bed and watched her gulp up the liquor before she looked at me and smiled shortly.

"Now," she said, " want me to teach ye how to be with a man?"


"Isn't that the job for yer mothers?"

"I hate them." I confessed, "I can't listen to anything that they say."

"All of them?"


"Goodness!" she laughed, "I'm surprised ye like anyone at all! So many mothers and ye hate them all?"

"Ye have a mother?'

"I had." She poured herself some more whiskey, "She died when I was sixteen."

"Do ye miss her?"

"Not really," she shrugged, "She wasn't much."

I missed mine and I did not even know her, did that make me a fool?

"There isn't much magic in being with a man," she said, putting the glass away, "They are stupid creatures anyways. Most of the time, they never bother to check if ye are happy or not. If ye ask me, life isn't fair, we prepare so much for them for them to just not care if we like it or not!"

"Why do we do it then? Cater to their needs?"

"Why do ye?"


"Aye, ye are here, asking me to teach ye how to please them, why do ye even bother?"

"I...because I am queen."

"Ye are queen, not a slave. Ye have the power, not him."

"But for a marriage to work..."

"Marriage never works. Leif, trust me , it fails anyways. Ye have the power here, I'd abuse that if I were ye."

"In that case, ye and I are done. No more free whiskey for ye." I said,

"Aye," she shrugged, "as the queen commands."

"Stop saying that,"


"The queen commands. I haven't even commanded ye to do anything!"

"Don't ye want to?"

"To command ye?"

"Aye, ye have the power."

I paused, questioning her.

She jumped off the bed and I watched her look for her shoes.

"Silvie, please stay." I begged.

"Ye want me to stay? Why? I am not going to help ye with anything."

" can,"

"What?" she watched me, "Drinking?"

"I've...I've never really kissed anyone and well,"

"Come on," she crawled over to me, "Come,"

"If ye don't want to ye can go..." I said, my palms sweating from having her closer to me.

Her lips pressed against mine lightly before she pulled away and looked at me,

"Like that?" she asked,

No words left my lips.

"Leif, did ye mean it like that?"

I grabbed her by the waist and brought her closer to me before devouring her lips. Her lips were soft and warm against mine and so was her body. My fingers dug into her skin, feeling her even from under the dress's fabric.

We wrestled on the bed, bits of our clothes leaving our bodies very fast with every kiss. Her auburn curls bruised my face, and I pushed them with my hand, my fingers tugging at them and running down her scalp.

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