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"Gerald, what have ye dragged into my castle?" Bjorn asked the guard in a nonchalant tone.

I could sense the evil entity within the room. He still had it, that creature which tried to kill me the last time. I could sense her within the room, roaming in the void, waiting for me to attack.

"My king, Magnus claims her as yer daughter, one of yer missing daughters."

"Does that look like a daughter to ye?" he asked,

The guard looked at me before clearing his throat.

"My king, I...I believe it is a lass, a young lass."

"...but is it my lass?"

"She has yer eyes my king."

"My eyes," Bjorn laughed shortly. "Aye, my eyes!"

He placed the book on the table before looking at me. I looked away in shame.

"Have the maids prepare a bath for her, she looks so dirty." He ordered Gerald.

"Yes, my king," Gerald nodded.

"As for ye, a word." He looked at Magnus.

Gerald led me out after that.

That was when it dawned me that Aaron and his man had left for Ellios too. The whole rebellion had left for this planet. Aaron had promised me that he had secured Ellios. He had promised me that Bjorn would never set foot here. How was he here then?

As the maids scrubbed my skin clean, I couldn't help but think about Babak. He must think that I ran away and left him because I did not care of him. A pang of guilt took over me.

When was I going to step doing this to those that I loved? Leaving them without having to explain myself. When was I going to stop running away?

I couldn't even promise to see him again.

They combed my hair, and I couldn't help but grimace from the pain. I watched hairballs fall as they ran the brush over my hair, so much that I felt my head was swelling.

"Can't ye just cut it?" I asked the woman who kept combing my hair.

"Cut it?"

"Aye, cut it, this hurts!"

"Ye need to look pretty." She said, "If I cut it , ye will be ugly."

I sighed, "Very well then."

"Hold yer breath," another said.

I held my breath, and the corset squeezed the life out of me. I gasped, pushing her away and she fell over the pile of clothes.


"Do ye want to kill me?" I scolded at her.

"Calm need..."

"It hurts!" I argued. "I can't, leave it like this!"

"Ye heard the lady, leave her be," the senior maid told them, "Leave her be,"

"Yes ma'am," they nodded, timidly letting me go.

"Get out actually," I said, "All of ye. Leave everything and let me be!"



They hurriedly left the room, the senior maid being the last to leave. She looked at me in sympathy before stepping out as well, closing the door behind. I could see the shadow of her feet from under the door, standing.

COLONY WARSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant