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I stared at the blood on my hands, which was already drying before looking over my right, where Babak lay, sweat glistened on his forehead. The villagers had been able to save his life, and he now lay fast asleep on the small bed.

My forehead frowned as I sighed. I had almost lost him.

"Earlier, before ye were...before ye almost died. Ye asked me if I was alright. Truth is, I am not." I began, pretending as though he was awake.

"The ghost...the ghost of my sister keeps haunting me, my father...the man is tormenting my soul and I hear Barbara's voice asking me why I let her daughters go with Aaron. I..." my voice broke and began to silently cry.

"I..." I stopped and wiped the tears before taking a deep breathe. It was no use, talking about it made it much worse.

I just had to ignore it for longer.

"Rest my friend, I will keep watch for ye."

There was silence.

The door opened from behind and I turned my head to face the elderly woman with greying hair, olive skin and small eyes .

"Valor," she spoke, "The people that attacked your friend, they are more of them."

"Where? How many?"

"Ayame says they came in a ship and have been camping in the mountains for a day now." She answered, "They are Bjorn's men, the Celtic King."

"They want this place as their own."

"I know, which is why the warriors are preparing for an attack. We plan to attack tonight."

"Ye will lose."

"Then so be it,"

"Ye have to flee. Go away, far away from here, ye cannot stop them."

"Miyu is our home, Valor. We cannot give it up to tyrants. I hope that you can understand. We will fight." There was pain in her voice, "If we do not fight, they will come here and take our homes, our daughters and kill our sons."

"I understand." I said, "I will join the fight..."


"Those men hurt my friend, they stuck an arrow through him, and he could have died. I won't let them, I won't let them claim this planet."

She stared in sympathy, "Thank you, you are a good man."

I nodded, suddenly feeling guilty for lying to them about being a man. When they had found us, everything had occurred so fast that I had claimed to be a man named Valor from Aires.

She stepped out afterwards and I turned to face Babak. His eyes peeled open slowly and he began to groan.

"Careful," I told him, "The wound is still fresh,"

"What happened?"


"I thought that I was dead," he whispered, "When that man..."

"He is Celtic,"

"Really now?" his eyes widened,

"Aye, and he has more of his men out in the mountains. They are here to take Miyu for Bjorn."

"Who is Bjorn?"

"I...I will go out and fight with the villagers." I said quickly,

"You can't."


"They are your people, are you really going to go against your people now?"

"They are not my people. You are my people." I argued,

"I'm flattered but," he winced, "If you do...they will charge you for treason."

"I do not care."

"Valor," he licked his lips slowly.

"What is it?"

"It is none of my business, but I want to know. You...if you are a Celtic, shouldn't you be home? Why...why were you even at Kayan?"

"I lost my sister," I spoke slowly, " sister she died, and I couldn't, I couldn't stay."

Why did it hurt so much to talk about it?

"I am sorry."

"I...Thank you my friend," I sniffed, "It is the past now, there is no need for tears,"

"I still shed tears when I talk about my grandma." He told me, "The pain never goes away my friend. Tears do not make us weak."

"Aye, well spoken," I nodded, "Now, I have to prepare for the attack. Ye will be alright on ye own here?"

"Aye," he said,

"Ye sound like a Celtic now." I chuckled at his response.

He smiled shortly, "Take care, kill as much as you can."

"I will," I assured him before rising to my feet, "I will."

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