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The room smelled of dust, everything untouched and just as I had left them. I stared at the dead walls, the silence loud in my ears. This place reminded me that I had let Piper die. This room reminded me of Bjorn and of the past.

"Bjorn...what did ye do to her?!" my fists burned,

"What did I do? What did ye do? Ye left her for the camp. She hung herself Leif. Piper is dead!'

I walked towards the bed, and slowly sat down at the edge of it before looking down at my hands.

There was a knock before the door opened and Lilith walked inside. She brought her hand over her mouth and coughed from the dust in the room.

"Goodness, ye need to clean the room lass!"

"Ye said dinner, it isn't dinner yet."

"Dinner cannot wait." She said, rushing over to open the windows. "Ye and I need to come to an agreement. Ye leave Celtic."


"I am not asking ye Leif. As queen..."

"Where did Bjorn find Dianmu?"


"The Necromancer, where did he find her?" I asked her,

"I have no idea what ye are speaking of!"

"Aaron has the beast. He will send it here, if they are not already on their way. I know that it was ye, ye know where he found it. Where? Tell me!"

"I warned him."

"Warned him?"

"Bjorn was a fool, ye know that too Leif." She said the words as if they amused her, "All men are."

I watched her, waiting to hear her story.

"That thing...he sent men to find it, furthest from the galaxy, at the edge of nothingness. Bjorn searched for it. He knew of its origin from tales, old tales."

"I do not believe ye."

"Dianmu is death and chaos. She is a dark entity that serves selfish hearts like Bjorn's. She has many forms, sometimes a child, a man , tall women...anything at all. Bjorn called for that thing here."

"And ye let him?"

"Let him? Bjorn does as he pleases child! If anything, ye should thank me for being by his side till the end...unlike any of the other wives. I know for a fact that ye left with Aaron and Barbara's girls. Let that be known and you will be hanged."

"Ye have no proof of yer words." I said,

"I am Queen here Leif." She said, her voice firm, "Ye or any of yer ugly sisters will not stand in my way."

"Let Celtic decide who should lead them, an old hag like ye or a warrior who stood by Bjorn as he died In Ellios?" I threatened. "Let them decide woman,"

"Ye are playing with fire Leif. "

"I love how it burns."

She watched me before heading out, slamming the door behind her. Her footsteps faded away and I listened to them, eager for a fight. I did not fear Lilith. She was another target in my list of man and women that I wanted to hurt.

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