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The loud footsteps echoed, forcing me to look up. The lamp's light lit the dark prison cells and I put my hand over my face, shielding me from the sudden light.

"I've brought some water," she spoke, pushing the flask between the prison bars.

"I don't need yer sympathy." I said, looking down.

"The kings wants ye alive, otherwise all of this is useless."

"What about ye? How do ye want me?"

"I can't tell yet."

I rose to my feet and walked towards the steel bars. My hands held on the cold bars as I glared into her blue eyes.

"Ye can't tell yet? What rubbish is that?"

"I am not the one who fled the camp in the middle of night only to run away from Celtic. I am not the one who slayed her people. Do ye blame me for how I feel?" she spoke, her voice trembling.

"I am not ye people. Ye made it clear that night. Ye told me to ask where my father picked me up and I did. I got the answers that I needed and then left as I should.

"Well good for ye!"

"Good for ye that ye married the man who once placed a bet with ye."

"Magnus loves me."

"Does he?"

"Yes. He loves me and ye are jealous of that. Ye are jealous of our love and that has made ye sick. Look at ye, bitter and grudgeful. Ye know nothing about love Leif, ye are just a child."

"Ye are a fool if ye believe that. That man cares less about ye than ye think..."

"...I don't care what ye think! Why would I listen to ye anyways? Ye don't even know what ye are!"

"I love ye Freya, don't ye see?" the words came out in a desperate tone. "I love ye, I really do and ye know it too."


"Ye know it, Ye feel it too. Please," I reached out my hand and touched her hair, "Please."

"Magnus and I are married. We married as soon as the winter was over. I swore before the gods that..."

"Everyone has lied before the gods, even the king himself. You are no better."

"No better?" her voice rose, "I am no better than liars? Is that what ye think of me? No better?"

"I am no better, No one is!"

"I do not lie to the gods. I never have, I never will, that is the difference between you and me."


"I am loyal to the gods, I serve them well and so does my family. Ye seem to lack in that part, killing dragons, running off to the wilderness and killing men that once fought beside you. The gods will punish ye Leif, they will. All that ye have will be gone..."

"I have nothing. I am nothing and there are no gods. If they were, do ye think I would be alive? Wouldn't they have killed me off the moment that I was born?"

"Ye need love..."

"...give it to me then!" I begged, "Please,"

"...from a mother. Ye need love from a mother and not me." she said.

I paused, taking in the words.

"I am sorry, but I will not be yer mother." She concluded before turning around and walking away.

"Freya!" I yelled, tears running down my cheeks. "FREYA! FREYA!"

She was gone, disappearing into the dark passages of the ship's prison.

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