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"I was saving ye from being devoured." She eyed me, "Ye can be stupid sometimes."

"I am not stupid."

"Sometimes ye are...which is most times."

"Where does that come from?" I chuckled,

"Ye are my sister, I know ye. I wonder, who will save ye once I leave."

My eyes peeled open slowly and the ceiling of my room came to view. The smell of perfume entered my nostrils, and I suddenly faced the presence of someone. I slowly sat upright, my hand touching my chest slowly.

The bandage felt rough against my fingertips as I sat upright and saw the elderly red-haired woman who sat on the chair by the window, carrying a book. Seeing me, she closed the book and her wrinkled face looked at me with worry.


"Ye are awake, finally," she rose to her feet and hurried to me,

"Ye should have let me die..."

"All for what? Ye the only hope there is." She rested her cold hand on my forehead, "Believe me I do not care about ye daughter did." there was pain in her voice, "My angel, she was only a child..."

"Ye let her die."

"I know that now," she sniffed. "Bjorn does not care for us. That thing...that thing he has in that room will be the end us Leif. All yer sisters will die. We will lose the throne if I do nothing."

"What is there to do, except watch?"

"Listen to me Leif, Bjorn has married his soul to that beast! This kingdom is no longer ours. I have men leaving for Ellios at Midnight, a group of rebels against this. Ye will leave and take two of ye sisters with ye."

"What will a rebellion do against dark magic?"

"More than ye think. Hurry up, now. Get up."

"I will not fight ye wars."

"Ye do not have a choice. Ye are as good as dead here. Take ye sisters and leave for Ellios."

The door opened and two of Barbara's children stepped inside, already dressed for the cold outside. The smaller daughter's hair dark like mine, with a red hue and the older redder like her mother.

"My brother Aaron will be waiting for ye children." Barbara hugged her daughters quickly, "Do not lose each other,"

"Will she be able to run?" the younger girl asked, eyeing me in worry.

I removed my feet from the bed and rose to my feet. She hurried to me, taking my boots from the floor and handed them to me, her little hands bringing them to my feet. I wore them quickly, and she fastened them quickly while the elder girl watched, clearly not liking me.

I wore the coat quickly before putting on my gloves. Barbara handed me a bag. I slowly took it, my forehead frowned.

"What about ye?" I asked her,

"I will only slow ye down. Let me handle the king."

"Why do ye trust me with them? Ye hate me."

"Ye took good care of Piper. I trust ye will do the same for them."

I flung the bag over my back, wincing from the mild pain.

"The gods will protect ye." She said before moving back and leading me and the girls out of the room. We followed her out, into the narrow passage, as if heading for the dungeon. Our feet walked fast across the floor as she pulled out a set of keys and began to unlock old doors. She led us down the dim part of the castle, dust filled the place along with spider maps.

"Catriona knows the way. Follow her." Barbara spoke stopping, "Farewell."

"Take care mother," the older sister said before hugging her mother one last time. She then led us down the passage, while we followed. I looked over my shoulder and watched Barbara disappeared before the sound of rattling keys was heard.

It was a moment of sadness, but I felt numb. I did not know how to react with Barbara helping me. It no secret, we had many unpleasant moments.

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