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Night befell and with that, the warriors of the village and I set out to hunt for the Celtics. Insects chirped in the dark, fireflies lighting the forest with their green lights. They flew up in the sky, enchanting me and I couldn't help but think of how Piper would have loved to see them.

If she was alive, I know that she would love it here. I know that she would be free here, where she could wander as she wished. If only I had thought sooner, escape Celtic with my dear sister, I wouldn't be in so much pain.

The fast figures before me moved and I followed, my hand around the axe on my hand tightening. Miyu inhabitants were swift individuals, leaping like wild hare from trees and disappearing into the dark.

The Celtic camps could already be seen from below, where men gathered around the fire, roasting a wild deer. I watched them move around the area, laughing, sharpening their weapons, and feeding their dragons.

They had come with two of them, dark, vicious reptiles that hated the gold in my blood. My belly tightened at the sight of dragons.

"Mishu," the woman next to me whispered in fascination.

"Mishu?" I turned to face her,

"Yes, the creature. Our ancestor."

"Ye believe in dragons too?"

"Yes," she whispered, "Our gods, they are our god Mishu."

"They are dangerous," I told her, "Those are dangerous ones, not Mishu."

I could tell that she was not listening from her stare. She really believed that these animals were their god Mishu.

The moment from the soldiers began to decrease as they began to enter their tents, while a few walked around the area, taking guard. As it became more quieter, we began to move, encircling the camp and walking amongst the tents.

I could hear voces talking from the tents as I slowly stepped into the first tent. The men were asleep, and I quickly slit their throats in their sleep, blood splattered on my weapon. When I was done, I stepped out and into the next tent.

The dim lamp lit the tent where the man sat, writing on his diary. His head lifted up and I immediately recognized him. My eyes widened. Magnus. If he was here, that meant that Freya...

"What in the..." he reached for his sword.

I attacked him and he blocked me with his sword before we fought around the tent. The sound of our blades hitting each other filled my ears as he moved back, tightening his grip on the sword.

"Ye bitch! Ye are that bitch that broke my hand!"

"I should have killed ye that night!" I attacked him.

He threw the lamp at me before running out. I dodged the lamp and it shattered, a fire spreading out from inside the tent.

I stepped out as well and dodged a blade that almost cut my throat wide open. The man grunted, swinging it again and I moved backwards before attacking him. I dogged his attack and cut through his belly, spilling his guts to the ground.

Magnus had gotten away.

A battle broke out, with both sides killing each other. I swung my weapon, cutting through the men, their blood splattered everywhere. From behind, a dragon attacked, grabbing me by my coat and assaulting me like a ragdoll.

"Uurgh!" I shoved the blade on the side and green blood splattered.

It screeched, letting me go only for another one to snatch me again and throw me across the ground.

I rolled on the ground before stopping and coughing.

The creatures hissed, rushing for me. My hand threw the axe at the first one, but it moved out of the way and reached me. I closed my eyes, embracing for my death when one of the Miyu warriors appeared from nowhere and shoved a sword inside the animal's eye.

It screeched, throwing him away while he pulled out the sword and rolled on the ground.

I rose to my feet quickly and another dragon jumped at me. I slid on the ground before grabbing the curved sword from the ground and slicing the Celtic's man's throat. He feel to his death while I jumped onto the dragon's back.

It screeched, while I shoved the sword deep at the base of it head. Green liquid oozed out while I continued to push it down. This attracted the second dragon which snapped at me, but I moved out of the way, and it bit its mate's neck.

"Valor!" the Miyu woman yelled from below, throwing my axe at me with all her might.

I caught it and the golden magic spread onto the weapon, awakening it. It grew bigger and into a great axe which shone, strong and deadly. Seeing my weapon, the remaining dragon screeched before flying at me, his eyes burning with such rage.

"Amdelonian!" he roared in a deep voice.

My eyes widened. They could talk?

I swung the weapon at the animal, but it flew over me, into the sky and casted a shadow above me.

I could hear the Miyu inhabitants cheer from the background, while the Celtic camp burned to the ground. My eyes stayed on the flying reptile that disappeared into the moon. He had retreated.

He could talk.

"Valor, we won!" the voice said from behind.

I turned around and nodded, my eyes seeing the young women who knelt before the injured dragon which had its neck bitten. She reached out her hand to it, but I immediately ran over to her and stopped her.



"It isn't Mishu!" I argued.

Her dirty face stained with blood fell in disappointment before she walked away, leaving me to look at the dying animal. The amber eyes watched me while it struggled to breathe. I rose up my weapon and stroke it once, killing it off instantly.

I hated dragons.

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