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"And so, she looked down upon her people and said, the universe belongs to you. Govern it, Keep it balanced and away from the hands of the certain enemy. It is yours, I give it to you." Darya read the old scroll, seated on the bed, legs crossed.

"You seem to be more interested in those readings than I ever was," I said, seated before the mirror, applying some cream onto my face.

"The scriptures are interesting," she answered enthusiastically, "I...the Amdelonian history is amazing Princess."

"Is it?"

"Yes, it is so rich, and the words are like music to my ears. I am fascinated!"

"Then maybe you can read them and tell me everything, in that way, I do not have to read everything."

"I will gladly do so," she said, "...But before I do that, I have a question."

"I am listening,"

"Did you go and see Iris?"



"Iris has no heart. I do not think there is anyone more sensitive but cruel. She made it clear that she resented me. Apparently, she has been holding grudges against me for years now. Can you believe it?" I shook my head in disbelief,

"It does seem like her though,"

"Iris and I used to be so close! There was a time in our lives where we would sit in the room like this, talk and have conversations. You would think she would remember that, remember the good times but no!"

"Do you love her?"

"Excuse me?"

"Do you love Iris, Princess?"

"I did, not in the way that lovers do though..."


"Darya, what are you talking about now?"

"I...princess if I may. I...I believe that there might be underlying feelings that you two feel for each other. I...I believe that this conflict between you two is just you two denying the attraction towards each other."

I laughed shortly, "That's absolutely crazy! Attraction?"

She stared at me from the mirror's reflection, nibbling her lower lip to disagree.

"Iris is not what I would go for in any given day. Besides, if there was any attraction, she would have never left me on the eve of my wedding. It's common sense that if you love someone, you marry them. She fled and that alone says everything."

"I see," she said in a low voice, "So, since you are not marrying Iris, who are you going to marry?"

"I am too lazy to look at the list. Mother has been quiet, so I take that as her way of putting everything on hold."

"Fair enough. When you do marry again in the future, what will you look for?"

"I do not want to marry Darya. That is the problem. The thought of loving someone else is sickening. The only person I ever loved is dead."

"I understand."

"I know." I muttered, "You might be the only person who does actually. Truth be told, I would trade anyone's life for Audacia. She made me feel so young and beautiful, so free, unbound by anything. Right now, I feel so lonely, so old and ugly!"

"How does it feel to be young and beautiful?"

"Like reading ancient scriptures, running free in the forests, the sunlight on your skin. Audacia had so much alive. She saw me for me, Asenath and nothing else. I...I hate the Warmongers with my whole heart!"

There was silence afterwards.

I rose from the chair and walked over to the bed, where Darya sat, no longer reading but staring at me in worry. I lay down by her side and faced the other way, suddenly missing Audacia.

She would have taken me somewhere fun for the night if she was still alive.

Darya's hands gently massaged my shoulders, and I couldn't help but weep. She embraced me from behind while I let out my frustrations.


"Good morning," I spoke, taking a seat before the table, and yawning shortly.

"Asenath," mother spoke,

I looked up at her, her eyes scrutinized me. Mother had a pair of the most unfriendly, intimidating eyes that whenever they stared for too long, I would begin to question her sanity. She was once a mad woman anyways and truth be told, I doubted my trust for her. I respected her and that was enough.

"Have you been taking care of yourself? You look awful."

"Awful?" my eyes narrowed,

"You look puffy, need the sun."

"I have plenty of sun in my room."

"What is the problem then?"


"Nothing?" she rose an eyebrow.

"Yes. I am just tired. You are the one who sentenced me to death with your scriptures anyways."

"Are you trying to tell me that reading did this to you?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Aren't you a weak child! Wait till you see the amount of work I do to govern the universe."

"You barely do anything but sit in the throne and sign letters."

An amused chuckle left her lips before she took a sip from her glass. She then placed it on the table and laughed shortly, as if I had just said the funniest joke of all times. I began to grab the fork before stabbing the sliced fruits before me.

"I hope you never become Emperor, or Amdelon would be doomed," she spoke finally.

"Great Emperor," one of the messengers stepped inside suddenly. She carried a scroll on her hand, and I watched as she walked over to mother before bowing down and handing the scroll to her.

Mother carefully took it before opening it. Her eyes ran across it quickly before she rolled her eyes tiredly.

"Amir must think I am a fool," she spoke, "Foolish man."

She then closed the scroll before handing it back to the messenger.

"Send it back to him empty,"

"Yes, my Emperor." She said before rising to her feet and walking out, her footsteps echoing away.

"What was that?"



"The Kayan king." She answered, "He wants me to lend him an army. I'd be damned to. He really believes that five thousand slaves is equivalent to a hundred of my soldiers? He is mad indeed."

"That is a lot of slaves."

"Useless, malnourished slaves." She corrected me.

"Why don't they take care of them? Feed them?"

"Kayan is a mad planet I tell you. Their greed will forever amaze me."

I nodded, eating the fruits before me. I hoped to never be Emperor, I could never handle the pressure and nagging of other planets.

"After this, I want you and I to go somewhere," she told me,

My belly twisted in knots. I already knew it was something that involved bloodshed. She loved torturing me with such.

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