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My footsteps echoed as I entered my dark chambers while pulling off the hood of the cloak. Never in a million years did I think I would have a conversation with Lukyan, let alone see his vision.

"And?" Viktor's voice said from the bed.

"You are in my room!" I hissed, my heart beating against my chest in fright.

"How did it go? You managed to whisper to his ear now did you?"

"Let me get something straight here Viktor, I do not work for you." I said, taking off the cloak. "I am in no way a slave of yours to command."

"I never said that you were,"

"Well, you sure do treat me like one." I muttered, running my fingers through my scalp. "Your father is a good man. He is...different."

"Spare me the details, did you change his mind?"

"Let me speak," I shot him a sharp glare.

His eyebrows rose at my tone.

"Lukyan will not live forever. You know that. Healing him will not change anything. You need to accept the responsibilities."

"Oh! So, this is it? You choose to be my enemy?"

"I grew up with people like you Viktor, individuals who fail to communicate and instead use force and hate as their weapon."

He snorted. "Yes, of course! It must have been a pity being raised by Za'afiel!"

"This isn't about my mother." I said quickly, "Lukyan will die, and you need to accept it. Natasha has, why can't you?"

"Lukyan dies and so will your existence." He threatened me.

"Oh, how I wish I cared!" I threw my hands in the air, "I do not plan to stay here forever Viktor. I am not dead, not yet and I will return to Amdelon."

He said nothing and instead rose to his feet before storming out of my chambers. I closed my eyes, listening to him walk away. A sigh left my lips as I thought about returning to Amdelon. I disliked home, it brought me nothing but misery.

I walked towards the bed before sitting down and looking at my palms. There was no motivation to return to a planet like Amdelon.

"Darya," I hope that she was alright!


"If you won't wield the power that the universe gave to your accordingly, then you should forfeit. If it is too much, tell me and I will put an end to you."


"I wish you would understand just how much I care about you." She huffed, pinching the skin between her eyes.

Sometimes, which was most of the time, I wondered if she really meant those words, whether she cared for me in the way that she claimed to. Did she love me as a daughter, not just her successor, not her heiress?

Was I ever just her child that she loved regardless of what she could do?

The sound of the door opening entered my ears. I quickly sat upright, and Natasha appeared ,carrying a dim lamp.


"Forgive me but your thoughts are so loud. Are you alright?" she asked, walking over to sit at the edge of the bed.

"I did not mean to cause you discomfort."

"Every mother loves her child." She said, "She loves you too."

"She wants me dead." I said, "She excluded me, put out an order of my death, how can she love me?"

She said nothing.

"I would be foolish if I think that I am to stay with you forever. I need to face her."

"Face her? You have nothing."

"I have her blood."



"Kayan will be ours in two nights. Father has issued the attack. You can stay amongst the people of Kayan, once it's our colony."

" are too generous Natasha."

"Please don't make me regret it then," she said,

"You won't, I swear."

She nodded. "I will let you be now,"

"Of course."

She rose to her feet before heading out of my room, leaving me feeling anxious. 

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