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"Princess Asenath," the young woman stepped inside my bathing chamber. Her footsteps echoed as she appeared, carrying some fresh new clothes for me.

"Did you not read the sign outside? I do not wish to see anyone."

"Forgive me," she fell to her knees, "The Emperor had a blade to my throat. She demands that I see that are still alive."

"I am alive," I swam towards her, "What could have possibly killed me?"


"What is your name?"

"Darya. I am Darya." Her brown eyes peered at me.

"Darya." I muttered, "Tell me something Darya. Have you ever felt heartbreak? Pain?"

"I feel pain everyday my princess."


"Personal problems my princess. I believe they are issues that we all face, mourning the death of a loved one, sometimes I just wish to rest. Living has never been easy."

"Mourning? Who do you mourn?"

"My love," she spoke softly, "She perished in Zaleria."

My forehead frowned.

"She was amongst the soldiers."

"Does it hurt?"


I could not find the right words. The pain rose from within, and I knew just how she felt.

"She gives and she takes."

"I am sorry."

"You did nothing wrong." She placed the clothes on the chair next to her before slowly rising to her feet.



"Where will you go after this?"

"I will return to my chambers and wait for the next order."

"I invite you to join me for dinner tonight. Will you come?"

"I will come."

"Very well. I will see you there."

She nodded before walking away, her footsteps fading as she stepped out of the chamber, leaving me to sigh softly.


I carefully lit the candles on the golden candle stand that was on top of the table. Different kinds of food was placed on the table, along with the empty plates and forks. I examined the forks and knives, making sure that they were spotless.

I caught my reflection on the knife, and this caused me to stop and stare. I was looking at what I had become, a sad and soulless individual. My eyes had lost their life and I found no pleasure is staring at them or the face that the universe praised so much.

There was nothing beautiful about this face.

There was a knock on my door. I placed the knife on the table carefully before walking towards the door. I pulled the door open, and Darya stood on the other side, hands playing with the single braid that hung over her shoulder.


"Please, enter." I let her inside.

She stepped inside, looking around cluelessly.

"This way," I led her to the table. "Take a seat."

"Thank you," she sat down and looked at the candle stand that was in the middle of the table.

"Please, feel free." I said, dishing up for us both. "It is after hours now,"

"I would have never dreamed that the princess would invite me for dinner." She spoke nervously. "It is an honor."

"Neither did I." I poured some wine into her glass.

"You look beautiful by the way, as always."

I sat down before grabbing my fork and eating on my plate.

"I knew of your beauty however when I am close to you, the words do you no justice."

"You are beautiful too," I finally spoke,

"Thank you," she smiled, taking a sip on the wine.



"What do you look for in a woman?"

"Woman?" her face was confused,

"What kind of women do you love?"

"I...well," she flushed instantly. "I believe that it depends on the soul, character. I love noble, caring, and outspoken women. I won't say that I have an eye for soldiers only but...goodness are they gorgeous!"

"I understand where you are coming from. Outspoke women are a weakness."

"Yes. That and the royal army."

I nodded, taking another bite on the food before me.

"My love, she was very passionate. I was drawn to her before I knew her name."

"What was her name?"

"Layla. She was very beautiful," she smiled sadly,

"Beautiful name," I pushed the plate away slowly. "Do you know how to play an herb, Darya?'


"Good." I rose from the chair and walked away to grab the musical instrument. I carried the instrument back to her, my hands caressing it slowly. She watched me, her brown eyes fascinated by the instrument, by both it and me.

"Here," I handed it to her, "Play it."

She took it before carefully touching the strings. Her fingers caressed the strings before she looked up at me.

"Play it,"

She began to play, and I listened to the sweet melodies while moving my waist slowly.

"Do you want me to dance for you, Darya?"

"Yes," the words came out in a whisper.

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