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We left the surface of Amdelon two days later. The great ship flew out of the planet's atmosphere and out into the endless space. Now, I could see the mother planet from distances away, and she was beautiful.

"The Emperor trusts me with your life," Iris spoke, appearing on the surface of the shinning glass.

"I know." I turned around to face her, "Otherwise you would not be here, watching over me like a child."

"You are a child."

"Don't you dare," I walked past her, heading for the gold threaded seats within the fancy cabin. A crystal chandelier hung over us and there were mirrors on all four corners. As I moved, so did the reflections, creating a pattern of princess Amdelonians.

I sat down slowly before reaching for the glass of sparkling white beverage. My long and golden nails held the glass before I took a sip. Iris began to move as well, and I watched her.

"You and I have to come to an agreement."

"You don't say," I rose an eyebrow.

"For your safety."

"I am listening."

"If even one explosion occurs while we are at Zaleria, You will leave immediately. You will return home. A fire, a riot, a single angry man with a will return to Amdelon."

"Two explosions, four fires, and six angry men."


"Princess Asenath!" I corrected her.

"Yes Princess," she nodded, "Now, I don't suppose that you understand the risks that..."

"Alright!" I placed the beverage on the table before rising to my feet. "I need a rest!"

I then disappeared behind on of the doors quickly. Iris loved to patronize me. She undermined my capabilities, and I was overly sick of it. She and mother drove me to the edge with their comments.

"I am not a child!" I muttered, kicking off my shoes before taking off my earrings. I walked over one of my jewelry boxes and opened it before placing the earrings inside along with the golden necklaces and bracelets.

A sigh escaped my lips. I could not wait to see Audacia on the other side. As a member of the royal guard, she along with the rest of the soldiers had left before me. We would meet at the port in Zaleria.

Until then, I had to deal with Iris and her comments.


The aroma smell of the lavender candles which I had lit filled the room while I sat on the floor, hands spread apart. I bought them close together and they glowed before I pulled them apart slowly, creating a golden sword.

I bought them back together and shaped the weapon into the solar system. The nine planets floated around the blue sun. The universe was beautiful, I could never get tired of gazing at it. It was a gift.

The planets disappeared into nothing but golden debris of magic within my hands. I closed my hands, and it was all gone, leaving me in the dim room. The knock on the door followed. I looked up before rising to my feet and walking towards it.

The door slid open and two of my maids appeared, pushing a silver table of different kind of food. I allowed them inside and they walked inside, the second maid carrying some dresses flowers in a vase.

"We hope that you enjoy the food my princess,"

"It is too much," I spoke, opening the different bowls. "I couldn't finish it all."

They both exchanged glances before uncomfortably looking at me.

"What is it?"

"The Emperor ordered us that if we are to prepare food for you, we should prepare for Lord Iris as well."

"Iris?" I asked, "Why?"

" see..."

Iris appeared from the door, looking as exhausted as ever. She could barely open her eyes. Her hand rested on the door frame before she yawned.

"I am here," she said,

"Dinner is ready," the first maid spoke, "Please come in,"

"Not in my room!" I argued, pushing the table back quickly. "Is this a joke? Iris!"

"It's the Emperor's wish..."

"... for me to watch you when you eat." Iris finished the sentence,

"Well, you are to eat with Princess Asenath." The maid added, nodding.

"Absolutely not." I argued, "Move out of the way," I pushed the table out of my room.

"Hold on," Iris spoke, holding the table quickly. An evil smirk curled up her lips. "I am hungry, let me eat Asenath."

"You must be enjoying this,"

"Every bit." She spoke before looking at the maids, "Thank you, please we can help ourselves from here."

"Of course," they nodded before squeezing themselves out of the remaining space of the door.

"Let go!" I warned, giving her a vicious look.

"Move back Asenath, I want to eat."

"Very well," I let go of the table before allowing her to walk inside the room. My hands rested on my hips, and I watched her while she made herself comfortable within my room. She began to open the dishes and taking anything that was to her desire.

"You knew, didn't you?" I asked her.

"Knew what?"

"The Emperor's intentions." I answered, sitting down opposite her. "She is trying to match us."

Her face reddened immediately, and she coughed, placing down the glass of sparkling wine. I watched her, with no emotion on my face. She coughed, placing the back of her hand over her lips.

"Yes or no." I spoke, grabbing a golden fork and stabbing the fried fish pieces on the plate. I devoured the piece before stabbing another piece. The fish was perfectly fried, and I savored the taste while waiting for Iris's response.

"Yes," she whispered.

"Oh?" I rose an eyebrow.

"You ought to wed soon, you know that Asenath."

"So that I can pass my blood to the next Emperor. Of course, I knew that was coming."

"You need to, we will be in Zaleria soon." She avoided the conversation, letting go of the fork and rising to her feet quickly. "Prepare, do whatever it is that you do."

"Of course," I muttered, losing my appetite.

"Should I take..."

"No, leave it here." I said quickly, "Just go."

"Yes," she headed out quickly.

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