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I dabbed the bloody cloth on my biceps slowly, the pain from the sharp scales mild. I had suffered more injuries and cuts. This was nothing. I had other things to worry about, like how everyone had reacted when I put down the dangerous dragon.

I was sent to my tent, while the rest of the soldiers continued with the next training. No one came to see me after, and I was forced to tend to my wounds alone and without anyone. I missed home suddenly.

I missed Piper. Whenever I hurt myself, she or Ragnar would tend my wounds. Piper would be beside me, scolding at me for being careless while carefully cleaning my cuts. In a way, she was what I imagined a mother would be like.

Caring, sweet and always there when I need her.

The tent suddenly opened, and the blonde woman stepped inside. She walked towards me, this sudden look on her face. She looked like she had seen a ghost. Her blue eyes wandered before she sat before me, and a sigh left her lips.

"Did I kill it?" I asked.


"Will I be in trouble?"

"No." she answered quickly, "However, I need to know once again, who is yer father?"

"My father?"


"Bjorn. King Bjorn."

"Bjorn?" her eyes widened.


"Ye are the daughter of the king?"


Her eyes landed on the bloody cloth which I held onto my skin.

"What is it?" I asked, "Is something wrong?"

She touched my wound with her finger before licking the blood from it. I watched her savor the taste of my blood before she winced, her forehead frowned in concern.


She seemed to choke, tears clouding her vision before spitting the blood on the sleeve of her coat. A single tear ran down her right cheek as she shook her head, as if conflicting with her inner thoughts.


"Yer blood, something is wrong with yer blood."

"My blood?"

"I need to clean yer up," she whispered, grabbing the bloody cloth from my hands before stuffing it inside the pockets of her coat. She then tore pieces of her blouse, and I watched as she carefully bandaged my wound gently.

Her eyes focused on what she was doing, and I watched her, admiring her beauty.

"Thank ye." I said slowly.

She finished bandaging my bicep before she nodded,

"Yer will be fine."

"Will I? Yer said something about my blood."

She paused.


"Dragons fear gold. Yer blood has gold in it."


Her lips trembled.

"Freya!" Lars appeared, his head showing from the tent. "A word."

"Aye," Freya quickly rose to her feet, "I will be back."

She then stepped out quickly, her voice fading as she and Lars walked away.

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