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My footsteps echoed as I walked down the empty storage cabin. My hands slowly ran over the wooden boxes while I stared into the void, the realization that Piper was gone hitting me. I felt heavy, so heavy.

"This world has always been yours. We're just living in it."

I went quiet.

"Do ye know what is worse than father? A liar Leif. Yer promised me last night. Ye said that we would leave. Ye said that! However, now that ye got what ye want, ye change. That is not fair. Yer lied. Ye swore. How could ye?"

"Ye should not have put so much faith in me."

"Well now I know." She laughed sadly, "Yer just like him."

"He is yer father too."

"No. He is not. If he was, he would not be sending me away." She let go of the bag before sitting down on the bed and looking away. "Ye don't throw yer children away!"

Our last conversation had been one filled with spite, with so much lies and backstabbing. That was the memory that she had of me before she did the unspeakable. I was a failure in her eyes.

I held onto one of the boxes and looked down, trying to hold back the tears. My hands tightened and my chest burned from the pain that I held in. This wasn't pain, it was torture.

"Leif..." the little voice said from behind.

"What is it?" I forced out the words,

"I saw ye leave, I know it has to do with us, with Catriona." She began,

A single tear escaped my eye. I felt it slowly run down my cheek and I did not move, she was not supposed to see me like this. They fed on the weaknesses, I knew that every well. That was how their mothers taught them, how I had also learned.

"We gossip about ye, how ye always yelling and angry all the time, I might have said that ye were a drunk too. Ye are also picky, ye favored Piper over everyone, just like Father favored ye."

"Is that all?" I asked sarcastically, "Or do ye want to go on about how ugly, a murder, mad..."

"All we wanted was to spend time with ye, we only hated ye because ye hated us too."

"Eilidh, that is ye name, right?"


"I do not give a damn about ye or yer sister." I said, standing up straight before looking at her.

She said nothing, watching me. It hurt watching her, for she had so much resemblance to the dead sister I had failed to keep alive. It was as if I was looking at younger Piper, back when the world was simpler, when I was younger and stupid.

"Do ye hear me?"

"Aye," the worlds left her lips.

"I am here because I do not have a choice. It has nothing to with Barbara trusting me with ye or the rebellion. I am here to live, to survive. Do ye hear me?"

"Ye sound just like him,"

"I am his daughter. I should, so should ye. This...this fake love that we are doing is not going to help anyone, alright?"

"I hate ye," she turned around and ran away, her footsteps echoing. I watched her disappear, leaving just me and the ghost of Piper.

I wiped the tear away before sighing deeply and sitting down and leaning on the wooden boxes. I looked down at my hands, examining the old scars that I had gotten through the years.

"Ye couldn't even convince a child. Amdelonians, I've seen many of them, killed many too. In all my years, I have never seen one like ye. Ratchet, ugly and without any skill. If ye can be an Amdelonian, I can be ye mother. Unlike ye, she had something beautiful to make up for her foul behavior."

The words of the man that I hated the most haunted me. He wouldn't lie to my face, he always told the truth when we had an altercation...yet, in our last fight, he had deeply denied me being an Amdelonian.

If he was telling the truth, that meant that I was his daughter after. That meant that Freya might have gotten everything wrong. She must have made a mistake. I was beyond confused. Who was I?

Did that even mean that the dragon theory was wrong? However, I refused to believe that. Dragons really despised me. My brain began to turn every rock, trying to piece together my identity.

"Leif!" the deep voice yelled from the entrance.

I looked up and Aaron stepped inside, fuming like a hot spring.

"So, it is true, ye really snuck on board!"

"She told ye already?"

"As she should. Ye really think I cannot throw ye off board don't ye?"

"If ye did, we'd both be floating in space, along with everyone in here." I spoke.

"Is that a threat?" his voice grew tense.

"I am not bothering anyone."

"The girls told me who ye are, which daughter ye are."

"Which one?"

"The King's favorite, the lass who wrestled a dragon before the masses, I remember ye now. Is this ye way of destroying ye father's enemies? Or has he really discard ye too, just like the rest?"

"Ellios is a colony to Celtic. Ye really think that he will not find ye?" I asked him, amused by their stupidity. "Bjorn owns that planet. He can have ye killed within it."

"See now, that's ye problem. Ellios is no longer under Bjorn. What do ye think we are? Fools?"


"We have been planning this for years. Everyone within Ellios is against Bjorn. Ellios will be the dominance of our own rule, Bjorn will have no access to it."

"Years? That makes me wonder, so ye were planning to overthrow him, even before everything. I'm not surprised though, It was too good to be true, having Barbara include me in her plans."

No wonder she only took her children. She was doing this for her family. I wouldn't be surprised to find her down in Ellios too, waiting for us like the pathetic mother that she was.

"Now," he massaged his chin with his thumb, "To avoid bloodshed. Let me strike ye a deal."

"I am listening."

"I will let ye off by any planet ye wish. Ye can go anywhere ye want,"

"Just like that?'

"Aye, only because ye are a woman. I'd hate to kill ye."

"Very well, ye can drop me off anywhere ye see fit."

"Celtic colonies or not?"

" Where Bjorn cannot ever see me."

"There is only a few places that yer father cannot go to. The universe fears him."




"Aires belongs to the Amdelonians." He spoke.

"I know, leave me in Aires."

"We cannot land in Aires. I will leave ye in Kayan instead."

"Aye, anything."

He watched me.


"Nothing," he said before turning around and walking away. His heavy footsteps echoed while I shut my eyes. There was nothing but darkness, the ghost of Piper already torturing my soul.

I lost my trust in gods, for I belonged to none.

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