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Her blonde hair, like the fields of wheat brushed against my face while she looked down at me, her blue eyes looking into mine. She leaned closer for a kiss and her lips bruised against mine softly.

I ran my fingers over her bare back, feeling the warm skin against my cold fingertips. She shuddered, pressing her lips into mine. I devoured on them, feeling the heat of her body against mine.


My eyes peeled open, and Freya's face came to view.

"I am awake..."

"Get up, we have to return to the camp."

"Aye." I sat upright and rubbed my eyes. It was all a dream, none of it could ever be real.

"Hurry, we have to reach the camp soon,"

"Aye!" the rest of the soldiers said while everyone tidied up, taking their belongings with them. I began to prepare for the journey, taking my weapon before stretching my body.

The morning mist rose from the river, clouding the land that we traveled on. The field was green and beautiful, and the sky was grey and gloomy. A few birds flew in the sky, while the sound of the river could be heard from distances.

We crossed the river and had to tie the dragon that we had rescued along with the sheep. Two men led us while we followed behind, with Freya at the far end. I made sure to stay as far away from the dragon as I could, should it attack.

The dream still lingered at the back of my head and to my sadness, I knew that it was never possible. She did not see of me in the way that I did of her. What madness had my mind done?

"My father told me that during his time in the camp, all of this area was dominated by dragons." One man began. "This was their land,"

"Aye, I have heard of the same tale now. Celtic belonged to countless dragons. Some claim, they were white dragons, bigger than the usual."

"What happened to them then?" I asked.

"Wars, when the Amdelonians came to this planet, they wiped out a third of the dragons."

"Half of our people and they took some of the women, as slaves."

A pang of unexplainable guilt overwhelmed me.

"Have yer ever seen one?"

"What? A white dragon?"

"No, an Amdelonian."

"My grandfather has. He claims they look like women, only stronger and heartless. He also claims they are tall."

"They must be ugly." I muttered,

"No, the exact opposite. I heard of their beauty now lass." The young man besides me said. "I heard the true blood bleeds actual gold."

"True born?"

"Aye. They are the most dangerous, they wield magic lass."

"Sounds like a nightmare."

" King Bjorn's father drove them out of Celtic. I heard that he and his sons slayed a hundred of them during the decades. Not even the darn Emperor could do anything. They have stayed away since, avoiding another massacre."

"All of King Bjorn's brother's died but him." Another added, "He was the only man to live and tell of the day."

"And yet he tells nothing of the day. I heard he still hears their screams in his head, My sister works in the castle, and she claims that he never sleeps."

"Is that the reason he marries every year then? That man has as an army of daughters!" another woman spoke.

There was laughter from the others.

"It is a curse, so that he fears for them every year, should the Amdelonians return." A man stated. "I heard the Amdelonian Emperor promised him she would walk over his generation should they meet again. She would cut the breasts of every Celtic woman in her return."

My mouth opened at the horror.

"Ye better put a bandage around them or ye lose them," He teased me,

"Get away," I pushed him.

He laughed, "Ye grip is strong! Ye could stand a chance against them."

"Are ye done talking?" Freya yelled from behind, "I can hear ye from here!"

"Ye will lose your breasts too," they told her.

"Ye will lose ye balls." She told them and I could not help but laugh.

Everyone laughed at him, and he looked away, embarrassed.


Smoke rose from the fires within the camp. Men and women gathered around the fire while Lars told tales, of the great wars of the past. Their voices, even from afar could be heard from where I was.

"She is only young," Freya spoke, brushing the dragon that she had rescued from the bandits. " witness such terrible conditions."

"What will ye do with her?"

"She will join the camp."

"She needs a name," I spoke, my eyes never leaving the animal. She dared to attack me, or I would kill her instantly. I had enough scars for a lifetime.



She nodded, "She will be Aya."

"Beautiful name,"

"Aye." She said before looking up at me and reaching out her hand to me. "Come, touch her."

"Ye said it yerself..."

"She is only a child. She will not attack."

"She attacked that bandit woman."

"Ye are not a bandit."

"My blood, what if she attacks?"

"Ye need to trust me."

I reluctantly walked closer to her and reached out my hand to her slowly. She grabbed my hand, and I moved closer and allowed her to place my palm on the rough skin. The beast let out a low hiss, her body tensing.

"Calm down..." Freya whispered to Aya. "Leif will not hurt ye."

"Her skin is rough," I spoke in fascination.

"Aye, it protects her from weapons."

"Like a shield?"

"Aye, like a shield."

I began to chuckle, feeling emotional all of a sudden. I missed home, I missed my sister Piper. She would be proud of me if she knew that I had finally touched one, that I was learning. 

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