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Snow covered the lands, and dragons soured the sky in numbers. Winter was here and so were the Rhanian. They came in ships, twice the number than before. Their new king, Jabari promised death to me and my people, for I had killed his brother Setis.

"My queen," a voice said from behind.

I turned around to face the brunette.

"We have word from Gar and his men, he claims that the Rhanian have a champion with them."


"Yes, a mercenary fighting in exchange for gold. She is concealed but they claim she is dangerous." She said,

"Aye," I said, "Where is Ragnar?"

"Inside the tents with the sons of Solveig."

"I shall head for him," I dismissed myself, walking over to one of the tents.

Mercenaries were dangerous, few but dangerous. I knew of them and how most had no honor, but the will to survive and to be rewarded for the one thing they did best. To kill.

I walked inside one of the tents and found Ragnar arguing with Sherick, one of the blonde brothers of Duncan. Seeing me, they went quiet, and Ragnar looked away.

"What is it?"

"My queen, or should I say sister by law..."

"Sherick wants to send young dragons to war." Ragnar spoke quickly, "Youngs who still need to be trained."

"They are trained!" Sherick argued.

"No young dragons out in war." I said firmly, "We have more issues to discuss anyways, important ones. They have a mercenary."

"The Rhanian?"

"Aye." I nodded, walking over to the wooden table where the map of the field was.

We were out in the open, out in the fields of Valderys. The great war between Celtics and Amdelonians had took place in this very land. This was where King Einar, Bjorn's father along with most of his sons fell. This was where the white dragons were wiped from existence.

The loud noises from outside forced us to listen. My eyes narrowed while I looked at Ragnar.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Let me go and see." Ragnar stepped out.

I waited while Sherick touched his long beard. This was the man who killed Magnus for failing to keep Freya alive. He was a heartless man, too heartless.

"Gods help if we win this war I will take a second wife," he spoke in a low voice.

"We will win," I assured him,

"Aye," he was not convinced.

Ragnar appeared from the entrance, smears of blood on his face.

"Gar's man returned, he says the champion killed Gar and the others." He spoke,

"Gar is dead?" My eyes widened.


"Where is Skar? He should be here by now!" Sherick asked, looking at me. "Where is the bastard?"

"I doubt he will come." I muttered,

The bastard probably fled with his men. What a fool I was to believe his words. My fist burned and I slammed my palm on the table hard, noise deafening everyone inside.

"What happens now? Gar and his men were slain by this mercenary!"

"I need to think." I said,

"To think?"

"Let me think! Get out, both of ye!" I ordered.

They walked out for the tent, leaving me to think. Curse Bjron for bringing me to this world!

COLONY WARSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora