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Sweat ran down my forehead while I formed sword form my hands. I watched as the warrior ran for me. She swung her sword, and I dodged her attack before swinging my sword and striking her.

She used her sword to block me, and I pushed my weapon onto her. She moved backwards before pulling away her weapon. I rested the sharp blade on her neck, and she paused, not moving, and accepting defeat.

The clapping of hands from behind caused me to stand up straight before turning around to face the tall woman with raven hair and green eyes.

I rolled my eyes before watching her walk towards me while the warrior stepped out of the training field, taking her sword.

"You fought well!" I told her.

She nodded, walking away quickly, and leaving just Iris and me.

"You are improving."

"Do not deceive me."

"I am not," she said before smiling shortly.


"You and I should fight sometime."

"I would love that," I said, "Now, what brings you here?"

"Another planet has fallen under the Warmongers."

My face changed.

"It is dark magic, it's dangerous unlike anything we've seen before."

"It cannot be defeated then? Is that it?"

"No. All magic can be broken down. You for one should know that. Asenath, I will be heading to planet Aries in a few weeks from now. We plan to take Aries as ours, from the Warmongers."



"You are not going. You said it yourself, it is dangerous. You saw what happened to Zaleria."

"I cannot stay here. Someone has to avenge the fallen sisters."

"It doesn't have to be you."

"I will not die."

"No one decides to die." I argued, "You will not go."

"I'm afraid I will not listen to you. I am going Asenath."

"Oh? You seem to have your mind made up. Why did you even bother to tell me then?"

"I thought that you would cheer me, just like everyone else did."

"Cheer you to your death? You really do not know me."

"Death? Why the pessimism? Aren't you supposed to be an Amdelonian? A species known for wars and conquering other planets?"

I gulped, no words leaving my lips.

"You do not sound like my people. I do not recognized you."

How could I tell her, of my fear of losing her just as I had lost Audacia not so long ago? How could I tell her of the constant nightmares? The recurring nightmares of the evil energy? How could I confess to being afraid. Did that make me a coward?

"Goodluck on your journey Iris." I finally spoke before walking way from her, heading for the castle.

Mourning the death of a secret lover was hard. No one knew about her, or about why I was so miserable. It was my burden to carry, until I was ready to speak about it.


Amdelonian flags soured the skies while the old and young filled the city. I watched from the window, hands folded over my chest. The city was beautiful from where I stood, and I could not help but think about Zaleria and how we had lost it.

"I thought I would find you here," mother stepped inside.

I turned my face towards her. She carried a scroll, slowly opening it as she reached me.

"I believe we have waited enough," she handed the scroll to me. "I have compiled a list of all your possible matches."

"Oh?" I opened the scroll, the few names coming to view.

"I do not mean to pressure you, but you ought to provide the next heiress."

"It does seem like a constant rush now mother, doesn't it? I have barely learned anything and now you want me to be a mother."

"You have learned all there is Asenath."

"I disagree, I need to learn, train more. Just like you did."

"I learned everything with you by my side."

"You led countless armies to battle before you had me. I know the stories, I know the tales of your conquest mother. The universe fears you. Why can't I be like that?"

"There is no war to lead an army in this current era Asenath. I did what I did because of the era. Times have changed. It is not as it was."

I nodded, reading the names on the list. I barely knew of these people, except for Iris.

"Iris. I choose Iris." I spoke quickly, without enthusiasm.

"Is that so?"

"Don't act surprised. You wanted this."

"Iris is good for you. I have seen the way that she looks at you. She cares for you."

"Iris lives only to please you mother. If that is what you want, she wants. I doubt it has anything to do with me." I argued, "You tell her to jump off the cliff and she does."

"You're being difficult for no reason Asenath. Give her a chance, you might learn what love is."

"I know love!"

She paused, her eyes starring straight at me.

"I know love...from you." I added quickly, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Asenath...what are you hiding from me?"


"If you do not talk, I will have Iris speak on your behalf. I know that she knows what I don't."

"Iris knows nothing because there is nothing," I walked past her, but she held my upper arm.

"You will confess to me this instant!"

"Let me go. There is nothing to confess." I glared at her.


"She is dead!" I confessed. "My love is dead, is that what you wanted to hear? Huh?"

She let me go and glared with judgmental eyes.

"Love?" she shrieked.

"Does it surprise you? I was in love ? Her name was Audacia, a soldier who died at the Zaleria colony." I sniffed, "In your colony mother!"


My forehead frowned in confusion. A single, warm tear ran down my left cheek.

"I do not want to see you, Asenath. Leave!" she yelled in her deep voice.

I hurried out quickly, while crying in the process.

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