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"The Rhanian may return, if not another force will." The king's council spoke.

"We have less of the king's men, which is just the tip of our problems. Winter is coming and I doubt we'll have any defense against Skar and his men." Ragnar spoke,

"Celtic will fall if we sit and watch. Already, the revenue has dropped and if we are not careful, we will sink." Debrah, an elderly woman said.

"Have ye tried to contact the surrounding territories? We can join together and have a decent army." I asked.

"I did, turns out, many of them joined Aaron's army. Most are rebels. That's how he doubled his numbers so fast, they were tired of living under Bjorn anyways."

"And the bandits?" I asked,

"What about them?"

"They can join the war, if we talk to Skar and negotiate."

"Your majesty, I doubt that a man like Skar will ever agree to any deal."

"That's because we never tried. Reach out to the man, I want him to have a word with me."

"Skar is nothing but a lawless bandit. He will demand the impossible..."

"Like I said, have him brought to my presence. We can at least try." I interrupted Debrah.

"Aye," Ragnar nodded.

"Good, if that is all, ye can leave." I suggested.

They began to move, leaving my presence all except for Ragnar. He sat uncomfortably from his seat, watching me in worry.

"What is it old friend?" I asked him.

"The problem isn't just the numbers or men. The people are talking too. They are saying bad things."

"I don't follow." I narrowed my eyes.

"This isn't Amdelon. Yer habits are making everyone uneasy. They question yer morality. Yer sister, Tove is using this to campaign for her reign. She is using yer scandal for her wins."

"I will gut her," I hissed,

"Careful now, already, ye are known for killing mothers and their children. Tove is a mother."

"She is a devil."

"Not in the eyes of the masses. Leif, that lass working at the kitchen, ye need to get rid of her."

" isn't that easy."

"It is,"

"She makes me happy."

"What about Duncan, surely he is a good husband."

"Duncan is a boy," I huffed, looking away,

"Alright then, we will get yer a mature man, someone broader..."

"I...Ragnar, leave it wont ye! Fine, I will stop seeing Silvie." I gave in.

"Swear to me."

"I swear,"

He watched me.

"Please stop looking at me."

"I...I know this is hard but ye have to do it, ye are the queen. Bjorn sacrificed a lot for the people too."

"I don't want to hear about that bastard." I said, rolling my eyes, "If anything, he is the reason this happened."

"Alright then, let me leave ye." He rose to his feet. I watched him walk away, reconsidering the position as queen.

I sighed, rubbing my temples before rising to my feet and looking out of the window at the kingdom before me. I wondered, was Amdelon luxury compared to this or not? I wondered what it was like.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The door opened and Silvie entered.

"What are ye doing here?" I asked her,

"I came to see ye, I bring news." She closed the door behind,

"I am listening,"

"Celtic knows." She whispered, walking towards me, "They know my name. They know me."


"I don't know," she sniffed, "My family knows, and they loathe me, Leif. The streets know me too. I am scared." She embraced me and wept.

"Hush now," I whispered, stunned by the revelation.

"I have to disappear, please, let me leave Celtic. I will go to Yanus." She begged desperately.

"No, Silvie ye stay here with me. I will...I will keep ye safe."


"Aye," I nodded, "Ye stay with me, here, close and I will protect ye." I assured her. "I will clear the rumors, I will kill anyone that speaks of yer name."

Ragnar was right. I shouldn't have indulged to my dark desires. This was punishment. The gods were still punishing me for having the blood of an Amdelon. I shouldn't have even kissed her.

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