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"Leif! Leif!" the violent knocking awoke me. My eyes peeled open and I heard the door opening before Agnes and Marie entered my room.

"Go away!" I ordered, stretching my arms.

"Yer husband is here ye dumb girl!" Agnes said quickly, "Get up,"

She walked towards me and pulled away the covers only to scream at the sight of the naked Silvie who lay by my side.

"Goodness! Oh my god!" she held her mouth,

"I told ye to go away," I said, my feet touching the floor,

"What about yer husband?" she asked,

"What about him?"


"I will meet him, now leave my room this once!"

They timidly stepped out of my room, leaving me with Silvie who yawned, sitting upright. Her fingers raked her hair while she looked at me tiredly.

"I need some wine," I said, standing up and grabbing something to wear.

"I should leave," she said, grabbing her dress, "If anyone finds me here...if yer husband finds me here..."

"Can I see ye again?" I asked her,

"I don't know!" her voice panicked, "Ye are the queen now, I can't just see ye!"

"Yes, ye can, I can have ye work within the castle now. I have the power now, don't I?"

"Aye, do whatever, I must leave." She wore her dress and shoes before heading out of the room.

The sound of the door closing filled my ears and I sighed. She was probably never going to come and see me again.

I quickly put on anything that I could find and then ran a brush through my hair. Once I was done, I stepped out to go and meet my dear husband. My heart was already beating against my chest as I walked over to the front garden.

My fingers played with the tips of my hair as I stepped out into the sun and found Lilith, Ragnar and the three wives amongst some king's guards waiting before the carriage. I took my stand amongst them and waited as the figure stepped out of the carriage.

"Is that him?" Agnes asked,

"I...I think so," The disappointment in Ragnar's voice could not be hidden.

I watched the figure walk towards us, looking as nervous as possible.

"Are ye the groom?" Ragnar asked him,

"Aye, I am. I am Duncan, youngest of the Sons of Solveig." His voice trembled.

I knew him. He was the young lad that closely resembled Freya from the port where Idris had kept Magnus and me.

"Goodness this is embarrassing, he's skin and bones!" Marie muttered.

Lilith sniggered from behind me.

"Wel...welcome to the castle," Ragnar said, "Please guards, help with the bags of the young man. Duncan, this is the queen."

Our eyes met and he seemed to recognize me instantly.

"M'lady." He said, " look incredible."

"You look incredible as well," there was no life in my voice.

"Please, ladies, show the lord to his bed chambers." I ordered the wives.

"Of course," they led him towards the castle while I looked at Ragnar, embarrassed and both belittled.

"Men grow fast, he will be bigger before the start of the Winter." He said,

"A child, they sent a child?"

"He has the blood of..."

"Men grow speak about him as if he was produce, fouls...I can't do this!" I argued.

"Leif, please."

"Aye alright then! I will be his mother." I walked past him and to the castle.

Nothing disgusted me like Celtic's policy of marrying away children in the name of tradition. They had done the same to my sister not so long ago and now, they were marrying me to a child as well.

Curse the Celtic gods!

COLONY WARSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora