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"What difference does it make? Ye loathe me, yer sisters loathe me, my wives loathe me, the universe loathes me. What difference does that make? Nothing! I am still here, expanding my empire in the universe. I am king and ye are nothing but a runaway."

As I lay on the bed, looking up tears rolled down the sides of my face. I stared at the ceiling, my heart beating against my ribs in rage and sadness. How foolish of me to think that Bjorn might have cared about me in some way.

I was just a weapon to him, somebody to fight his wars and a puppet to string along. Bjorn saw a beast, a wild animal which he had hoped would help him defeat the Emperor. That was all I was.

I closed my eyes, sharp breaths leaving through my nostrils. Curse the Celtic gods!

Slowly, my body tensed before I felt the ominous energy lurking. I could hear the hisses of the dark magic, she was within my room, crawling up my bed. I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness.

I couldn't move my body, bound to the bed by the demons.

I grunted, veins throbbing from my neck and arms. She was here to finish me off, once and for all.

"He spoke to you like a dog." The foreign voice spoke from the far end of the room.

"What...what do want from me?" I struggled to talk.

"Men like him do not value, they do not acknowledge. Men like him hate, they destroy only to build themselves."

"That is the master that ye serve."

"Dianmu loves rage, she is attracted to the rage and hunger for vengeance. She is attracted to you." A shadowy figure formed on top of me, her claws touching my face gently. I looked at the faceless figure, my eyes wide open.

"Dianmu can help you, Dianmu can help you put an end to him."

"Why...why would I trust ye? Ye are dark magic, an evil entity!"

"Don't you want his head? Don't you want to see him bleed? Are you weak? Will you let him walk over you?"

"I don't need ye to kill Bjorn."

"Dianmu will kill for Bjorn if you do not accept. Dianmu serves vengeance, she choses a master by the power of their rage. Dianmu believes you have more rage than Bjorn."

I went quiet, the smoke spreading around me. I could feel her presence. I could feel my heartbeat against her, my rage growing as she grew as well.

"Say yes and Bjorn dies tonight." She whispered.

"I want to kill him myself."

"Dianmu will let you kill him. Let me in, let me in."

My lips parted, while the image of Piper flashed in my head. That bastard had killed her. Bjorn had sent her away for her to die! I would never forgive him for that.

"Say the words and let me be yours, say my name, Dianmu."

"Dianmu," I whispered.

"Uhh," she moaned before the shadows wrapped around me, entering my veins and I could feel her inside me, expanding her dark roots and poisoning my blood and brain. She was like the river, fast and angry, rage and vengeance fueling her.

My fingers began to move before I sat upright, gasping for air. My feet touched the carpet before I rose to my feet and headed out, my sight expanded. I was not alone. I could hear voices from all over the castle, I could smell blood, I smelled Bjorn's blood.

I walked out into the dark hallways, following the smell. It grew stronger as I took each step. He would beg on his gods when I took his life, he would beg like slave.

I grabbed a sword from the armory that hung on the walls before heading for the double door before me. My breathing was shallow as I pushed the door and entered the dim room, where Bjorn sat, long sword between his palms.

"My wild beast has returned," he spoke.

"I am here to kill ye Bjorn, son of Einar, descendent of the Celtic first kings." I spoke.

"Ye would never kill me," he rose to his feet, and braced himself, sword before him. "I will kill ye before ye can even breathe."

I walked towards him, and he walked towards me too. I swung my sword at him, and he blocked it, his eyes staring at mine with such intense.

He pushed me back and I took three steps back before swinging the sword at him again. He moved out of the way before bringing his weapon over my shoulder, striking me. I gasped falling on my knee.

He then kicked me, and I slid across the floor.

"I always told ye that ye move slow," he spoke,

I rose up quickly while my wound quickly closed.

Seeing this, his grey eyes widened.

"What have ye done?!" he let out a shrill cry.

"What have I done?" a smile curled up lips, "What have ye done Bjorn?"

"Dianmu!" he said, "Ye bloody bitch! I am yer master!"

"Dianmu says I have more rage and vengeance than ye. I thought I should let ye know." I attacked him.

We danced around the room, our blades hitting one another, sparks igniting. He grunted as I pushed the blade onto him, using my might. I wanted his blood, I wanted him dead at this instant.

"Dianmu is not to be trusted!" he gritted.

"I do not care."

"Hyahh!" he pushed the weapon to me before punching me across the face. I moved backwards and he shoved his sword in my chest, grunting in the process. I could feel the blade inside me, but I did not care, I wanted him dead more!

"Ye are a fool, Leif!" he said in gruff tone. "The biggest fool of all to tie yer soul to Dianmu!"

"Ye should have killed me in my mother's womb!" I broke through the sword with hands before laying fists on his face multiple times.

He rose up his forearms and I punched them as hard as I could, feeling his bones begin to break down. He moved backwards and I threw myself at him and we both hit the wall before rolling over.

He bruised my face and pushed me off him. I slid across the floor while he rose up and gabbed my sword from the floor. I watched as he spit out the blood from his mouth before walking to me.

"Never in my life did I dream of being struck by my own child!" he aimed for me, but I rolled out of the way before finding my feet.

"If I did, I would have squeezed the life out of ye when ye were born!"

"Maybe ye should have stopped having children at Tove. That could have saved ye." I said as the black magic spread inside the room and raced for him. The sword dropped as he could not move, the shadowy limbs holding him in place.

"Ye stupid lass!"

"When ye are dead, I will take this kingdom, this planet, Celtic...all of yer colonies. I will take yer throne, I will take yer name, yer wives, yer children, yer father's weapons...everything!" I spoke, grabbing the sword from the floor.

"The Celtic gods will punish ye!"

"I will take them too, all of them! Ye are nothing but my bitch Bjorn." I brought the blade over his throat.

His grey eyes widened, this new fear within them. He was looking at the monster that he had created, he was looking at his wild beast. He was looking at me.

I shoved the blade inside his throat and blood gushed out while he struggled to breathe, like the chicken he was. His eyes teared as he struggled to talk.

I watched him while he slowly died. His eyes began to relax before tiring out. I pressed on the wound, stopping the bleeding only to let it go once he was starting to gain energy.

Could anyone be so cruel? To let him die again and again?

 I doubt it.

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