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I watched as the Amdelonian woman entered the doors, along with her twelve loyal soldiers. It wasn't Za'afiel, but someone far worse that I expected to see. My hands tightened I watched the Draugr guards escort her to me.

I placed my hands on the table and kept a straight face while she sat down before me. Her green eyes stared at me with no emotion. She was just as I remembered, hateful towards me.

"I asked for the Emperor, not her loyal dog." I began,

"The Emperor is occupied, so she sent me in her place."

"Well, I would love to speak about the Kayan slave policy. The deal that she made with Amir no longer stands. Kayan has new policies now, under the Draugr prince, my husband."

At the word husband, her thick eyebrows furrowed.

"Tell your Emperor to back off. She is not welcomed in Kayan."

"Husband, where is this husband?"

"I am here," Viktor appeared from the stairs. His footsteps echoed as he walked over to the table, where Iris and I sat.

"You?" Iris was amused, "This?"

"Kayan is a Draugr colony. We make the rules now." He said, taking a seat by my side,

"You seem to forget that the Draugr queen has more power than some colony master." She said, "Queen Natasha of the Planet Noch, willingly continued the slave trade amongst Amdelon and Kayan."

"And where is she?" he asked,

"Amdelon. She is in Amdelon."

"Viktor is the Draugr prince." I said, "He has a say in such affairs. He is lord of Kayan and what he says goes. The slave trade cannot..."

"You humor Asenath." She cut me short, "How are you so against slave trade when you benefited so much from it?"

"I changed, what choice did I have when you left me in this planet."

"This meeting is pointless." She said, rising to her feet, "The slave trade continues."

"How long are you planning on keeping my sister in that rachet planet of yours?" Viktor lost his cool, "How long?!"

"You didn't know?" Iris asked him, almost as if sympathizing with him.

"Know what?"

"Natasha married the Emperor."

Viktor's eyes widened.

"She is the Emperor's wife now."

"!" he roared, rising to his feet. I stopped him, my hand around his writs tightly.

"Leave!" I told Iris, "Take your people and leave!"

Her eyes looked down at my hand on Viktor's wrist before she looked at me. Her face was filled with disappointment.

"Go Iris!"

"I should have killed you, Asenath." She said before walking away with her soldiers. I watched her, tears clouding my vision. Her presence tormented me so much.


Natasha's marriage to The Emperor sent Viktor over the edge. He locked himself in his chambers and I listened to him scream his lungs out in rage. I know I would be too, if my sister married someone like my, mother.

The gentle Kayan breeze blew by as I walked down the concrete ground of the port. The Amdelonian ship stood before me as I brought the scarf over my shoulders. I needed to try again, this time without the anger.

"Excuse me!" I called out to Iris who was ready to board the ship.

She looked over her shoulder, the breeze blowing loose strands from her black ponytail. I walked closer to her, not caring about the history between us anymore.

"I want to negotiate,"

"Does your husband know this?"

"No." I said, "He doesn't have to."

"I don't get it, what happened to you?" she walked down to me,

"Tell the Emperor to leave Kayan be or there will be war." I said, ignoring her remark. "Tell her that there will death on both sides if she does not stop this war."

"You will lose more men, you know that, Asenath."

"Queen Asenath."

"Oh! You are queen of the slaves now?" she was amused,

"I am one of them."

"Is it?"

"You left me to perish in this planet, should I remind you? You and the Emperor wanted this, me dead in Kayan."

She frowned,

"Does it surprise you, that I am now queen of the slaves?"

"I gave you a second chance to life, is this it? This? You and that pale faced man as your husband?"

"You abandoned me! You Iris, you left me to die here,"

"You should thank me."

"Thank you. Thank you for helping me then!"

"The Emperor will kill you, Asenath. I might have spared you once, but it won't happen again. Leave this liberation rubbish and get out of Kayan. This is beyond you,"

"I won't leave my people."

"You're mad."

"My mother was Kayan." I told her, "It makes sense now, why I have such recessive genes, why I wasn't like the other true bloods. I have slave blood Iris."

"Slave blood?"

"Yes," I nodded, "All these people are like me."

"You bleed gold, they don't."

I bit my lower lip and nodded. Of course, she did not understand. I was mad to her.

"Abandon all this rubbish and leave...come with me." she spoke in a low voice.


"I have twelve soldiers with me. If you say yes, I will kill them, and you and I can go anywhere. You and me." she moved closer and cupped my face.

I could see it in her eyes, she never wanted to abandon me a while ago. She was just like me and everyone else, afraid of the tyrant.

"Oh Iris," I cried, a single tear running down my cheek. "I can't."

"Asenath, look at me..."

"No," I shook my head, "I can't, I won't leave. I am not leaving Kayan or Viktor. I am sorry."

"Before them, there was me. Choose me!"

"I won't. Bye Iris." I removed her hand from my face. "I am sorry."

"I love you." She confessed. "Please, let's get away from here, please."

"I don't. I don't love you, I never have, never will."

Her eyes winded before she nodded, accepting my words.

"Farewell." I sniffed.

Her forehead frowned and she held back the tears. She nibbled on her lower lip before nodding and then turning around and leaving me standing on my own. I watched her walk away, my heart aching.

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