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There is a level of disrespect that even the gods can take. There is a level of tolerance that they can have as well, I had reached mine. I had had enough.

Watching the dead Kayan children lay on the floor, drowned in their blood, I could not take it. Magic traveled on my hands, but the sound of the war horn entered my ears and everyone within the room froze.

"What was that?" the tyrant asked, looking around.

Doors went flying and one of the soldiers stormed inside.

"Emperor, we are under attack. The Warmongers have come."


My belly twisted. They were here. Aaron along with his beast were here for Za'afiel.

"Have soldiers at every gate, I want them all over the streets."

"Yes," she stepped out while everyone within the hall began to whisper, worried about the news.

Guards marched inside the room while mother walked out, disappearing from my view. I rose to my feet and cut off the chains with my magic before heading out as well. Natasha followed as well, down the hallway.

My footsteps echoed down the hallways, and Natasha called out to me.


"This isn't the time."

"I can feel him. He's here."

I stopped.

"Viktor, he is here as well."

"I won't let Za'afiel die!" I yelled at him. "I won't. She is my mother, and I won't let anyone kill her."

"Kill me then. I am going to sign that deal with Aaron and his beast and come for your mother."

A conversation with Viktor resurfaced.

"I have to find him." I whispered,

"I will come with you."

"What about Khensani? Who will protect her?" I asked.

She stuttered.

"You can't come." I walked away, running down the passage while kicking off my shoes.

I had to find Viktor before he could get to mother. He was reckless enough to head for danger. Heart beating against my chest, I ran out into the night, and the sight of foreign ships came to view from the sky.

Already, arrows shot at them sending them to the ground. Horses galloped past, heading for war. I was suddenly clueless of what to do. What does one even do in war like this? This reminded so much of Zaleria.

From behind, a horse galloped past, and the white hair gave it away as Natasha. What was she thinking? Going out to war when she had a child?

"Natasha, you fool!" I yelled, looking around for a horse to steal from someone.

A ship suddenly fell from above me but before it could hit the ground, I rose my hands and pushed it into the heavens with my magic. It propelled away from the city, and I watched it disappear behind the pyramid tall buildings.


"I want my sister back in my arms, that's what it means! I don't care about the galaxy or any of that mess. I want Natasha..."

The Celtics weren't alone, white-haired shadows were with them, few but they were just as deadly. Draugrs. Evil energy raced for my people, eating away their weapons of magic, and destroying them like flies.

She was here, Dianmu.

I shoved my blades inside the warmongers, my eyes trying to find Viktor in the chaos. I couldn't find him nor anyone. I fired daggers at the approaching army of Warmongers. They held up their shields, but my magic pierced through them, killing them.

The dark magic screamed in my ears. I winced, holding my ears in pain. She was near, already consuming Amdelon's magic core. I fell on my knees, the scream loud and agonizing.

A figure held up a shield above me before shoving her blade inside the enemy's heart. Blood stained my face while she helped me on my feet.

"You need to get away from here," she said, pale eyes looking into mine.

"No," I summoned a spear and threw it at the man behind her, "You need to go, take Khensani and leave Amdelon."

"Za'afiel will stop this madness."

"You put too much hope in that woman." I grabbed a sword from the ground and shoved it inside the man's heart, pulled it out and kicked him down.

Natasha held up the shield to the iron axe before pushing it towards the man and decapitating him with it. Blood stained her pale face and hair, not that it bothered her.

"Za'afiel needs us. You and me." I grunted, summoning a wheel of spikes that headed for the enemies. It multiplied and grinded everything in its path.

From nowhere, dark energy tore it apart before the dark-haired demon with small eyes appeared, nails long and dangerous. It was her, Dianmu.

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