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I pulled down the heavy chains, locking Vivi back into her chambers while she screeched from inside. She banged on the door, and I moved backwards before dusting my hands. I then turned around to face Piper who had her eyes looking around the empty arena.

"Where did you learn how to communicate with dragons?" I asked, walking towards her.

"I always watch Ragnar and the other men when they bring Vivi out for a fight." She answered,

"Ye could have died."

"No. Ye could have died if I was not there."

"I would have gotten up," I argued.

"If ye say so," she walked away.

"Piper," I followed her,

"What is it?"

"Ye should go down and see the dragons that Ragnar and his wife have. They seem much safer than Vivi."

"Mother will kill me," she shook her head. "She doesn't want me anywhere near danger."

"Ye were with Vivi just now..."

"I was saving ye from being devoured." She eyed me, "Ye can be stupid sometimes."

"I am not stupid."

"Sometimes ye are...which is most times."

"Where does that come from?" I chuckled,

"Ye are my sister, I know ye. I wonder, who will save ye once I leave."

"Ye are not leaving. Ye are not going anywhere." I argued, my voice changing.

"The king decided," she stopped and looked up at me, "Ye cannot defy the King."

"Father is just crazy. He will not give ye away like that!" I shook my head to disagree.

"Ye know he will. Stop fooling yer self. I will leave and ye will, as his precious daughter..." she lamented,

"If ye leave, I will leave too."

"Ye would have left a long time ago, when he was sending the other daughters away."

"I never liked any of them, just as I don't care about the rest of the children. I will fight for ye. Do ye hear me?"

She nodded slowly.

"Good. Ye have hope in me my dear sister." I rested my hand on her shoulder.



"I want to go to a bar. Let's go to a bar tonight!" her eyes brightened up, "I don't want to see mother tonight."

"Aye, we will go to the bar little sister."


I nodded.


"LEIF!!!" Father's shallow voice yelled as soon as My sister and I entered the castle. His voice beamed withing the hallway, so much that Piper trembled, and her already pale skinned turned blue.

"I am in trouble," I whispered to her,

"What will ye do?"

"I will see him," I answered, "I will be with ye shortly,"

She nodded, scurrying away to her chambers. I began to head for father's throne, where he dwelled. My footsteps echoed down the hallway while I heard the voices of his wives, complaining about something.

I stepped inside the throne quickly, and found two his wives gathered, carrying a piece of paper. I cleared my throat, my eyes finding father quickly.

"There she is!" the first woman said, her eyes filled with irritation.

"Is everything alright?" I asked,

"When last did ye check the iron budget?" he asked,

"I...the iron..."

"When last did ye update it?"

"It's been a while."

"While? Six months! Yer have not updated the budget in six months Leif! Ye sent the wrong numbers to the board, do ye know that?"


"It's ruined, the whole iron trade is ruined because of yer foolishness! Ye had one thing to do and ye still failed!" he snatched the piece of paper from his wife's hand before looking at it again, "Ye did this!"

"She also damaged part of the city with her pet dragon," the second wife added quickly,

"Vivi's not my pet!" I argued,

"What was it doing outside then?" she asked,

"I want that dragon killed." Father spoke solemnly, "Tell the men to slay that creature," he looked up at the first wife.

"Yes, my king," she nodded, stepping out quickly, too excited to hide it.

"As for you...I don't you anywhere near paper. Ye are no longer part of the board. I will find a replacement for ye."

"What will I do then?"


I nodded. Fair enough.

"Ye will do nothing, just like the child yer are."

"I am not a child. I'm not even an adolescent!"

"Get out of here, I don't want to see ye." He ordered me.

"As you wish," I stormed out, slamming the door behind.

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